Bure, anndiraa kadi e Bubbure, ko ɗemngal Afro-Asiatic jeyaaɗo to goomu Bole-Tangale nder galle West to wuro Caad. Ɗum ɗon wolwi nder lesdi Naajeeriya woyla nder wuro Bure (10°31"06.16"N, 10°20"03.00"E, hukuma pamarun Kirfi, Diiwal Bawci, Najeeriya) e nder nder nder nder nokkuuje manɗe ɓadiiɗe. Ɗemngal ngal huutoroo ko heewɓe heewɓe, ko e ɓooya mum en. To haasa, ko woni lingua franca nder nokkuure, Bure ɗon hawta e ɗemɗe feere ɗe ɗemɗe Caad bana Gera, Giiwo e Deno (golle Bolé).

Bure language
language, modern language
Subclass ofBole Taƴto
LesdiNaajeeriya Taƴto
Indigenous toDiiwal Bawci, Federal Capital Territory (Nigeria) Taƴto
Ethnologue language status8b Nearly Extinct Taƴto

Ha tawii e ɗemɗe goɗɗe nder kawtal go'o (e.g. Bole ko Karekare), halkugol Bure woni ko ɓuri haalude.




  • Batic, Gian Claudio. 2014. Ɗuum woni ko'e Grammatical Sketch of Bure. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe: 2014. 978-3896455284 to dow lesdi lesdi lesdi lesdi
  • Batic, G.I.A.N. 2013. Duuɗugo Bure, Ɗemngal Chadic nder lesdi Naajeeriya: Ɗemngal Cellal Nder kawtal 14th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics (Dell'Orso), pp. 225-238.
  • Batic, Gian Claudio. 2011. Duuɗugo Bure, Ɗemngal Chadic nder lesdi Naajeeriya: Ɗemngal Cellal Kuɗol ngol hollitii nder "Kololol 14th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics" (University of Turin, 15-18 lewru Juun 2011).
  • Batic, Gian Claudio. 2011. Ɗemngal Bure: Ɗemngal ngal. Kuɗol ngol hollitii nder "Kolokiiwal Dentuwal Dentuwol 6th Biennial on the Chadic Languages" (CNRS LLACAN, Villejuif 22-23 lewru Septemba 2011).
  • Haruna, Andrew. 2000. Maayi ɗemngal: Kuɗol Bubburè nder lesdi Bauchi, lesdi Nigeria. E Matthias Brenzinger (ed.), " Ɗemɗe ɗe ɗon nder halkere nder Afirka": 27-51. Rüdiger Köppe.