Allison Joy Milner (1 mee 1983 Melbourne, Ostarali - 12 ut 2019 Melbourne, Ostarali) ko ganndo ko faati e ñawuuji renndo, keɓtinaaɗo e cellal hakkille to nokkuuji golle.[1] Milner wonnoo ko cukko hooreejo fedde toppitiinde ko fayti e cellal e cellal to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Melbourne ngam ƴellitde yimɓe e cellal winndere (MSPGH).


  • Milner yahi Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, ɓaawo ɗon o waɗi janngude maako nder Griffith University, Queensland, o janngini janngude janngude Bachelor of Psychology (Honours).
  • Caggal ɗuum, Milner heɓii doktoor (Doctor of Philosophy) e Griffith University nder Australian Institute of Suicide Research and Prevention Department, nder fannuuji duniyaaru e suicide.
  • Caggal nde o heɓii PhD, Allison waɗi maggal mum nder Epidemiology to University of Melbourne.

Nder hitaande 2012, Milner fuɗɗi gollal maako bana kuugal wiɗto dow dow dow dow janngooji dow Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Milner tokki kuugal ngal duuɓi ɗuuɗɗi, yeeso golle maako haa Deakin University hakkunde 2015 e 2016. Nder 2015, Milner warti boo Mawɗo Academy National to MATES in Construction. O wartii to University of Melbourne, ammaa o laati mo jannginoowo mawɗo nder hitaande 2016 haa o ɓeyda ɓeydaade nder hitaande 2018, e Milner o laati mo jaajinoowo. Nder hitaande 2017, Allison heɓii dowla leydi ndii hokki mo boɗeeji ngam haɓugo bee ɓurna huutoreeji hooreeɓe nder worɓe huutortooɓe. Nder golle maako, o laati moolum nder haɓɓugo kuugal jaangooji ngam anndukiɓe fuɗɗam nder nder nder nder janngooji ɗuuɗɗi, hawti bee Deakin University e University of Melbourne e Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health (CRE-DH).

Nder duuɓi 36, o maayi diga leggal oolum nder Princes Park.


  1. Green, Andrew (5 October 2019). "Allison Milner". The Lancet. 394 (10205): 1224. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32228-7. S2CID 203656188.

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  • Allison Milnerdefte ɗe taƴiiGoogle Scholar