Basil Gomez (jibinaa ko 1955) ko ganndo leydi Angalteer-Ameriknaajo, jogiiɗo nafoore teeŋtunde e geɗe maayo e iwdiiji, yah-ngartaa e ɓuuɓri ɓuuɓri maayo e ɓuuɓri ɓuuɓri.

Basil Gomez
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
InndeBasil Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguGomez Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo20. century Taƴto
Sana'ajigeomorphologist, geographer Taƴto
Janngi toUniversity of Plymouth, University of Southampton Taƴto
Award receivedG. K. Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphological Research Taƴto

O janngini nder Maidstone Technical High School for Boys (ko jooni Oakwood Park Grammar School), o janngini geography e Plymouth Polytechnic (ko jooni woni University of Plymouth), o heɓii PhD nder geography diga University of Southampton e hitaande 1981.

O heɓi Royal Society University Research Fellowship nder hitaande 1981, o heɓi darnde Doctor of Science diga University of Southampton nder hitaande 2005, o heɓi Grove Karl Gilbert Award diga Grupp Specialties Geomorphology of Association of American Geographers (AAG) nder hitaande 2007, o heɓi anndal AAG nder hitaande 2020.


  • Basil Gomezdefte ɗe taƴiiGoogle Scholar