Beatrix Dobie
Beatrix Charlotte Dobie (1887-1944) ko naalanke leydi Nuwel Selannde, ɓurɗo anndeede e nate mum e nder golle Herbert Guthrie Smith, ganndo ko faati e ndeenka leydi.
Jinsu | debbum |
Ɓii-leydiyankaaku | Niw-Zilannda, Biritaani-Mawndi, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland |
Married name | Vernon |
Innde | Beatrix, Charlotte |
Innde ɓesngu | Dobie, Vernon |
Ɗuubi daygo | 1887 |
Ɗoforde | Whangārei |
Date of death | 1944, 1945 |
Place of death | Béja |
Father | Herbert Boucher Dobbie |
Wolde | Inngilisjo |
Sana'aji | painter |
Janngi to | Slade School of Fine Art |
Has works in the collection | Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa |
Copyright status as a creator | copyrights on works have expired |
Dobie jibinaa ko to wuro wiyeteengo Whangārei, to leydi Nuwel Selannde, e hitaande 1887. Baaba makko ko Herbert Boucher Dobbie, ganndo ko faati e leɗɗe e fotooje to leydi Nuwel Selannde, neene makko ko Mary Dobie. E hitaande 1911 o ummii o fayi Londres ngam janngude to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Slade, e gardagol Henry Tonks.[1]
E nder wolde adunaare adannde o wallitii e miñiiko debbo biyeteeɗo Agatha ngam wontude VAD (balloowo infirmiyee balloowo)[2] e nder wuro Malta, o golliima e kantin sara opitaal mawɗo No. 3 to Nuwel Selannde sara Codford, Angalteer .[3]
Caggal wolde o arti o hoɗi to leydi Nuwel Selannde, o holliri golle makko to galle naalankaagal fedde Canterbury. E nder oon sahaa o hawri e Herbert Guthrie-Smith, o waɗi jokkondiral ngal addanta mo rokkude nate deftere makko Tutira: daartol nokku baali Nuwel Selannde.[4]
E hitaande 1926 o yilliima Afrik ɗo o hawri e jom suudu makko garoowo, hono Rene Vernon, injenieer e nder konu Farayse. Ɓe koɗi e leydi Tuunus ɗo Dobie jokki pentugol. O neldi golle makko ngam hollirde ɗum e nder koolol Empire e hitaande 1937.
O sankii ko to Tuunus e hitaande 1944.[1] Maayde makko hollitaama to leydi Nuwel Selannde e nder jaaynde wiyeteende Auckland Star e Evening Post. The Post siftinii mo wonde ‘naalanke teskinɗo mo leydi Nuwel Selannde’, joginooɗo ‘golle ɗe keewaani, ceertuɗe.’[5] O anndaa ko e nate makko post-impressionist, ɗe o waɗi e nokkuuji leydi Nuwel Selannde, teeŋti noon e pucci.[4][6] Won e golle makko ko galle naalankaagal Auckland jogii.