Bluebird, Bluebird
Bluebird, Bluebird ko deftere Attica e hitaande 2017. Jikku maggal ɓurɗo mawnude ko Afriknaajo-Ameriknaajo Ranger, Darren Matthews, to bannge fuɗnaange diiwaan oo. O yuurnitoo maayde afriknaajo-ameriknaajo goɗɗo, awokaa Chicago ina wiyee Michael Wright, to wuro Lark.
Form of creative work | novel |
Genre | noir novel |
Author | Attica Locke |
Publisher | Mulholland Books |
Language of work or name | Inngilisjo |
Publication date | 2017 |
Fuuɗal ngal ina woodi subtitle "A Highway 59 Novel" ngam haala ngal waɗata ko e nder laawol ngol; Locke hoore mum ina woodi yimɓe mum jooɗiiɓe nder ummaatooje nder laawol ngol.
Neely Tucker diga The Washington Post winndi "o'ndii e nder wakkati wakkati wakkati fuɗnaaki".
Esi Edugyan diga The Guardian winndi wonde kuugal ngal "ko haala haala ɓeydaande" ina woodi "koode ɓeydaade nder kuugal ɓeydaani" e goɗɗe nder kuugal mum.
E hitaande 2018, roman ngal heɓi ko Edgar Award for Best Novel.