Carle McGetchin Pieters (jibinaa ko 1943) ko ganndo tagopeeje Ameriknaajo. Pieters yaltinii ko ina ɓura 150 binndanɗe wiɗto e nder jaayɗe ƴeewtotooɗe, o woniino kadi binndoowo deftere wiyeteende « Analyses géochimiques à distance : composition élémentaire et minéralogique » wondude e Peter Englert. Eɓɓooje makko kuuɓtodinɗe ina mbaɗi wiɗto tagopeeje e ƴellitaare dow tagopeeje tawa ina teeŋtina ƴeewndorɗe koɗki to woɗɗi.

Carle M. Pieters
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguPieters Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1943 Taƴto
Sana'ajigeologist Taƴto
EmployerBrown University, Lunar and Planetary Institute Taƴto
Janngi toMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Antioch University, Antioch College Taƴto
Doctoral studentSarah K. Noble Taƴto
Memba enPeace Corps Taƴto
Award receivedG. K. Gilbert Award, Gerard P. Kuiper Prize, Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, Eugene Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal Taƴto
Oral history atMassachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries Taƴto



Pieters heɓii BA maako diga Antioch College nder 1966 nder janngirde limngal. Caggal nde o janngini limle nder nder nder nder suudu mawndu nder Massachusetts nder hitaande go'o, o waɗi duuɓi ɗiɗi o janngina anndal aslu bana mo'o hooreejo jam nder Maleziya. Nde o wardi to US, o heɓii B.S. (1971), M.S. (1972) e Ph.D. (1977) diga Massachusetts Institute of Technology nder Sayense Planetary. Pieters waɗi duuɓi tati e NASA Johnson Space Center haa o warti ardiiɗo dow Brown University nder 1980 nden o jooɗii ɗon diga saa'i maajum. O woni mawɗo jaɓɓinoowo foroy lun Mineralogy Mapper, ko'o woni fotooji spectrometer (0.4-3.0 μm) je ɗum waɗi ngam hollaago e maptugo mineralogy lun e no'o ɓurdi, ɗum woni kuɗol ngol neldi to lun dow naatiindiya Chandraayan-1.  O ɗon jeyaa e dow dow dow dow hawtaade NASA dow dow dow asteroids Vesta e Ceres. Hino kadi, o wondi wonde goomu nder Nasa Advisory Council's Planetary Protection Subcommittee e wonde Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Geophysical Union.

Fedde e teddungal

  • Asteroid 3713 Pieters
  • Hokkaama boɗeeje sappo 2015 Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal ngam darnde e semmbe to bannge anndal dow dow dow dow duniyaaru, ɗum hokkata diga NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI)
  • O hokki jaaynde GK Gilbert nder hitaande 2010, jaaynde nde Geological Society of America's Division for Planetary Sciences hokki.
  • O hokki haykaliiru Kuiper nder hitaande 2004, haykaliiru ɓurngal hokkiinde e darnde anndal dow dow dow dow duniyaaru nder American Astronomical Society.
  • Honooɗo Fedde Amerik ngam Ɓamtaare Fannu nder hitaande 2007
  • Firooɓe nder American Geophysical Union nder 2001
  • Hokkaama laamɓe legacy fellows of the American Astronomical Society nder hitaande 2020.

