Ceerno nguurndam lesdi Nigeria

Ceerno nguurndam lesdi Nigeria ɗon laaɓɓa diga ɓeydaaki temperatuure, feerootiral ndiyam (ɗam ɓeydaago nder nokkuuje coorde e ɓeydaare nder nokkuuje nder lesdi). Ɗum ɗon holla e ɗam e ɗam, fuɗɗugo ladde, ɓeydagol ndiyamji, ɓeydaaki, ɓeydi, ɓeydiiji, yiite, ɓeydaaji leydi, ɓeydugo leydi, haalaaji sahaaji ɓurɗi ɓeydaago e majjugo biodiversity.[1] Ɗu'um fuu ɗon ɗon ɗon walli bee halleende yimɓe e dabbaaji e dun dun dun dunji nder lesdi Nigeria.[2] Ngam, dow nokkuure, nokkuuje ɗon mari waylaaki nguleeki nguleeki bee ɓeydagol masin nder wakkatiji je ɗon mari ndiyam, nden ngam saa'iji je ɗon ɗon mari ndiyam ɗon walli ngam hokki ɗum ha nder wakkatiji ɗi mari ndiyam. Kuugal baylaaku nguuri duniyaaru waɗi Dowlaaku Meteoroloji duniyaaru, nder jaɓde 40th Executive Council 1988, ngam tiggude jaɓde baylaaku anndal ngal wi'etee International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).[3] IPCC 2007 Report Assessment Report (AR4) yi'i wonde woodi hallude mawnde fuɗɗuki nguleeki nguleeki duuniyaaru haani hakkilantaaki.[3] Wuroore nden hawti e warming duniyaaru hannde to kuuɗe manjum. Luttudu ɗon ɓadii haa dabare ngam o ɗon hawta bee haɗiiji babal babal babal babal hawtaare e ndiyam, ɓiiɓuki duniyaaru, ɓeydaago ozone, haɗiiji ɓeydaaki ngam naawdi e ko feere feere feere feere, e halki dabbaaji ladde feere feere feere.[4]

Ɓeydaaki ha nder lesdi Nigeria haandi ha nder nguurndam nguurndama ha nder lesdi lesdi lesdi lesdi ndi, waɗi haandi haandi ha haandi ha lesdi, haandi haadi haandi haɗi haandi haade haandi ha leydi. Bana go'o nder lesdi sappo ɓurɗe ɓurna ɓurna ɓurɗe haandi ngam nyau nyau nyau nyau, lesdi Nigeria ɗon maaro ɓesngu nyau nyau nyau ndu. Ha 2009, ko ɓuri 6,000 doolaaji ɓenni, waɗi halkere nder nder nder nderle nderle nder lesdi.[5]

Won be warugoji ɗuuɗɗi ɗi ɗon hokkata daliila naftaaki dow hawtaade fuɗɗaaji baylitol nguleeki nguleeki nder lesdi Nigeria haa jooni.[6][7] Fuu ɗuuɗal defte ɗon holla dow waylaago nyau nyau ndu fuu, nden ɗu'um ɗon wallata ngam hokki foonduki ngam hujjaaji ɗi ɗon woodi.[8][9] Ammaa, ko ɓuri haani, ɗum haani hokki jaŋde to jaŋde, ɓurna fuu to jaŋdi nder nokkuuje feere feere, to jaŋdaare mawnde ɗon waɗaako. Wonde ɓurɗe haani tawtoreede dow laaɓtingo e jaɓugo nder defte nder defte, ɗe ɗon jeyaa nder kuugal habaru, haa naa dow misaaluji ko ɗum waɗii.[10]

Ɗu'um haala ɓurɗo ɓeydaade ngam haani waɗugo kuuɗe ɓurɗe ɓeydaago ngam huwtore Nigeria ha haako nyaamdu ha nder hitaande fuu ngam nyaamdu yimɓe ɓe ɓeyda. Ha haani, ha haani haani ha haani dow haani haɗi ha haaki ha haaki dow haaki haaki ha nyau ha haaki, ha haaki e haaki ha haa haaki ha, ha ha haani haa haaki haa haaki, haa haaki e haa haaki hakki ha haaki haa haa haaki.[11]

Caluɗe ɗe nyau nyau nyau nyau ndu hawti e lesdi ndi fuu footi footi. Ɗu'um waɗi ngam laabi ndiyamji ɗi: ndiyamji ɗuuɗi nder fageeje nder worgo fuunaaŋge e worgo hirnaŋge e lowre nder fageere fuunaaŋgo. Ɗee laabi ina waawi waddugo ɓesngu, ladde e ɗam e woyla e woyla; ɓesngu e ndiyam nder worgo e nder nokkuuje goɗɗe, jaayɗe haɓɓuki nguleeki nguleeki nafoore woni haala warugo PET bottles musamman nder nokkuure.[12][13][14] naftora polyethylene terephthalate anndiraa kadi PET ko PETE (a kareeji resin plastiiki huutore ngam waɗugo kareeji pakki bana boɗɗi e boɗɗi nyaamdu) ɗon ɓeyda ɓeyda fahin nder mawɓe, ngam ɓe naftora bee boɗɗi PET ngam pakki limɗe maɓɓe ngam ɗum (PET) je kareji maral haani be sembe, thermostability e transparentness. Nigeria ɗon woodi siyaasaji je ɗon haandi ngam jejjitugo ɓandu pulastik; kuuɗe feere feere hawti bee jejeji e kirseteeji je je je je ɗon hokki ngam jejjitaago dabareji je jeji pulastik nder lesdi fuu ɗon je ɗon jeje ngam jejeje e jejejejeji siyasa diga laamu.[15]

Fedde gasji greenhouse


Nder hitaande 2018, haɓɓol lesdi Nigeria haɓɓol gasji greenhouse fuutaama haɓɓol ko tonniji metric 336 ton carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e), ko ɓuri 1 nder 100 haɓɓol duniyaaru.: 1 Ɗu holli ɗum haɓɓol yimɓe haɓɓol hitaande haɓɓol 2 ton, ha haɓɓol haɓɓol duuniyaaru haɓɓol 6 ton.[16][17][18] Ɗee gaasji greenhouse, ɓurna fuu carbon dioxide e methane ɗon ɓurna fu diga naftoraaki e gaas, waylude naftoraaki leydi, woodani, lamɓe e fijirde fuɗɗiiji.[17][19] Jaŋde ɗon jeyaa e naftoraaku, ngam maajum ɗum footi footi waɗugo footi footaago fuɗugo fuɗugo to 2060.[16]

Kuɗol dow nokkuure natural


Ɓuurnde e wakkati


Ceerno to nokkuure

Nigeria ina woodi clima tropical bee sahaaji ɗiɗi: (moƴƴe e mbaɗte). Duniyaaji nder lesdi, ɓurɗum nder lesdi fuunaaŋge, ɗon huutoroo ɓurɗe ɓeydaago nder temperatuuje bana yeeso fuɗɗam ndiyam, temperatuuje ɗon ɓeyda haa 44 °C haa ɗon maaki haa 6 °C hakkunde lewru deemaare e lewru feebari. Ha Maiduguri, temperatuure ɓurɗe fuu yaawde ɓeydaade haa 38 °C nder lewru Aprilu e Maayi, nden nder wakkati feere ɗon, je ɗon wara jemma. [20] Misaalu, Lagos, ko ɓuri heewde ko 31 °C e lowre ko 23 °C nder lewru Janaare e 28 °C e 23 °C ha lewru Juun. Fuule fuunaaŋge fuunaaŋgo ɓurɗe haade koonde maayo bana Bonny Island (go fune haa Port Harcourt), fuunaaŋgi Calabar ɗon heɓugo ɗuuɗal ɓurɗe saɗugo caka caka caka e nder millimitaare 4,000. [21][22]

Ceerno to nokkuure


Ceerno nguurndam lesdi Nigeria ɗon wayla nokkuuje nyau. Daande steppe nder woyla ɗon ɓeyda haa worgo, nden daande tropical monsoon nder worgo ɗon ɓeydi haa woyla, ɗon jeyta woyla tropical rainforest. [23]

Ɓeydaaki to humondiral


Kuugal ɓeydaaki temperatuure ɗon ɓeyda ngam yimɓe, ɓurɓe wonugo nder ummaatooje je ɗon mari dabareji gas flare. Ɓeydaaki masin ɗon waɗi ɓalli ɓalli, e feere feere, e ɗon walli ɓesngu nyaamdu. Footiji nyaamdu, ɓesngu e ɓandu, e ɓesngu seeduuji fuu ɗon hawta bee temperatuure leydi. Ɓuuruji ɓurɗi ɓeydaaki ɓesngu, fotosynthesis, e ɓesngu ngam ɗi ɓeydaayi ɓesngu. [24]



ecosystem ko hawti e hawti e tageefooji ngu, hawti maɓɓe e hawti maɓɓe.[25][26] Ɗum hawti e ɗiɗo fuu biotiki (jo ɗon woodi) e abiotiki (ji ɗon walaa) ɗi ɗon woodi, ɗi ɗon huutora bana sistemji ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗije feere feere ɗon hawta bee maɓɓe e nder nokkuuje maɓɓe.[27][28] Ecosystems waawaa waylitde e laabi, diga microhabitats to biomes mawɗe bana woodɗe, maayooji, e geese.

Konngol ɗemɗe nguurndam nguurndama ko ardiiɗo anndal ɗemɗe ɓaleeje leydi Britaniya Arthur Tansley nder hitaande 1935, mo holli ɗum "ngare fuu. hawti naa' tan ko tageefooji ɓaleeje, ammaa kadi ko ɓaleeje ɓaleeje fuu ɗe njogii ko nodda en nokkuure".[29] Ɗuum holli ko nafata jaɓɓude tageefooji nguumiiɗi e nokkuuje maɓɓe nder jannguki ɗemɗe nguumiiɗe.

Ecosystems ɗon holla laawol semmbe e nder nder nder nder ko nafata. Nguurndam naato nder ɗemngal nguurndam nder laawol tagdi, bana leɗɗe malla alge, ɗi naatoyi yiite naange e waylita ɗum nder semmbe kemikal nder fotosinteesi.[30] Ɗuum semmbe ɗon jeya haa ɓurɗe ɓeydaago nder trophic nder wakkati tageefooji nyaamda bee maɓɓe, e taƴugo kuuje nyaamdu e kuuje nyaamu.

Ecosystems ɗon ɗon ɓeyda ngam ɓeydaago tagdi. Fooli, bana carbon, nitrogen, e phosphorus, ko nafata ngam ɓesngu e halki tageefooji. Ɗee elementi'en ɗon recycle nder ɗemngal nguurndam nder laawol laabi feere feere bana hallude, jaɓugo tagdi e leɗɗe, e nyaamugo dabbaaji.[31] Ɗuum recycle tagdi hokki tagdi fuɗuki tagdi ngam tageefooji nder ecosystem.

Ecosystems ɗon hokkata kuugalji njamuji ɗuuɗɗi ɗi nafata ngam ɓeydaaki duniyaaru e ummaatoore yimɓe. Misaal, woodje ɗon huutora no carbon sinks, ɗon ɗaɓɓita e ɗon hoola ɗuuɗal carbon dioxide, gaasji ɓesnguɗi ɗi ɗon wallita waylaaki.[32] Lindiji mari nguurndam mawndi nder laaɓugo ndiyam e halla ndiyam.[33] Coral reefs ɗon hokkata goɗɗum nder goɗɗe dabareeji nder maayo e ɗon huutora bana ko'e cembiɗɗi ngam haɓugo bee duufe.


Ecosystems ɗon hawta be haɗiiji ɗuuɗɗi ngam kuuɗe yimɓe, bana habbugo leɗɗe, halleende, jeje baylaade, e halleende habitat (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Ɗee halluɓe ina waawi hallude dabareeji ɓeydi-ɓeydi ɗi ɗimuuji ɗimuuji, ngam waɗugo ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi maayi, ɗi ɗi ɗi njokki ɗuuɗal bayoloji, ɗi ɗi njogki kuuɗe ɗimuuji.

Ngam faamugo e jaɓugo ɗemɗe nguurndam, anndal anndal naftira laabi feere feere, hawti e modelol ɗemɗe, hakkilantaaku nokku, e foondooji. Ɗi'e kuuje mbinnditaaki anndinooɓe anndal hawtuki hakkunde tageefooji, anndinki kuuje ɓurɗe huutoreeɗe e kiɗol, e jaɓugo no kuugal yimɓe huutore dow kuuje. Fuuɗugo kuugal jaɓɓugo ɗemɗe nguurndam nguurndama ngam semmbinaade kuuɗe je ɗon mari nguurndame ngam wallugo ko woni e huutoreeji nguurndamu nguurndem.



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