Tewor District is one of five districts located in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia.[1] As of the 2008 Census, it has a population of 27,460.[2]

Daande Tewor District nder Grand Cape Mount County
Daande Tewor
district of Liberia
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Nder laamooreGrand Cape Mount County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto7°0′0″N 11°17′49″W, 6°58′13″N 11°19′27″W Taƴto

Tewor ɗon haadi hakkunde maayo Atlantic, Piso Lake e maayo Mano, ha nder hirnaaki e Sierra Leone.   [<span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (July 2021)">citation needed</span>]

Yimɓe nder nokkuure nde'e ɓe yimɓe lenyol Vai, ammaa ɓe ɗon mbi'a ko ɓuri fuu ko Vai e Mende.   [<span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (July 2021)">citation needed</span>]

Limanjo ngal ngal ngal ngalolololol ngalolol ngolololol ngol ngololol ngol ngalololwol ngol ngolol ngolol ngol ngol ngololwol ngolololwolol ngololwololol ngol, ko Clarence D. Fahnbulleh, nden hooreejo ngalolol ngal ngolololngal ngol ngolololuwol ngol ngol ngol ngololuwol ngolol ngol, o ko Hon. Moiba Kromah.[needs update]

Tewor woni wuro wuro nder diiwaan ɗi'i:

  • Ruth Sando Perry - hooreejo Kawtal Dowla (1996-1997) [dabare haani] 
  • H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Sr. [dabare ngam jaɓɓorgo] - Goomu Fedde Fedde (1981-1984) e baaba ardiiɗo jaɓɓorɗo jamiroore leydi, Henry Boimah Fahnbulleh 
  • Honoore maako Gladys Johnson - Mawɗo kiita mawɗo [kootol ko haani] 


  1. Template:Cite report
  2. Template:Cite report