Douglas Robert MacFarlane FRS FAA FTSE ko ganndo kemikal, binndoowo e wiɗtoowo to Ostarali. O anndaa ko e darnde makko e yiytude e ƴellitde ndiyam iyon e ƴellitde feere duumotoonde ngam sinkude amoniak.

Douglas R. MacFarlane
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
InndeDouglas Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguMacFarlane Taƴto
Sana'ajielectrochemist, materials chemist, jannginoowo Taƴto
EmployerMonash University Taƴto
Janngi toVictoria University of Wellington, Purdue University Taƴto
Award receivedFellow of the Australian Academy of Science, David Craig Medal and Lecture, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Society Taƴto

Jaŋde e golle


MacFarlane jaɓi jaŋde e jaŋde science (Hons), first class in chemistry e jaŋnde arts e 1979 diga Victoria University of Wellington. O waɗi kuugal doktoor maako nder jaŋde jannginoowo C. Austen Angell nder Purdue University, o jaŋgi doktoor maako e 1982. O wartii to Victoria University of Wellington ngam waɗugo kuugal wiɗto nder lewru Desemba 1982.

Ha sakkindi 1983, o hawti e Fedde Fedde Fuuta Monash ha nder janngirde Fedde Fannde Fedde Funde Fedde Fanditaare; o laatii jannginoowo Fedde Fande Fanditaande e hitaande 1995 e jannginooɗo Fedde Fandu Fanditaade Sir John Monash e hitaande 2019. MacFarlane boo o jannginoowo teddungal dow jaŋde Queens Belfast.

O waɗii darnde mawnde e yiytude e ƴellitde ndiyam iyon, kadi o wondi ko e porfeseer Jennifer Pringle e Dr Mega Kar deftere janngirnde "Fundeeji ndiyam iyon: gila e kemikal haa e kuutorɗe".[1]

E hitaande 2021 MacFarlane, e gollanɗo maɓɓe A/Prof Alexandr Simonov, ɓe mari bandiraaki Jupiter Ionics Pty/Ltd ngam ɓeydude teknoloji fuɗnaaki ammonia jaayngal ngal ɓe huɓɓii.

Koore e jaaynde


E hitaande 2007 MacFarlane suɓii wonde Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science. E hitaande 2018 o heɓii koode David Craig Medal e Lecture ngam darnde mum to fannuuji kemia.Nder 2009, o suɓiiɗo wonde Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. O laati mo'o mo'o barkiɗinoowo Australasia'en nder Royal Society of Chemistry nder 2015. MacFarlane heɓi sariya Victoria 2018 ngam anndal e ɓamtaare. o suɓii wonde Fellows of the International Society for Electrochemistry nder hitaande 2019. Yimɓe maako ɓe keɓii ko'e maɓɓe nder hitaande 2023 Horizon Prize for Environment, Sustainability and Energy, nder Royal Society of Chemistry. O heɓii jaabawol Max Bredig nder Electrochemistry Society nder 2024. O ɗon hawrita bana Clarivate Author hawritaama diga hitaande 2020. O suɓii wonde Fellows of the Royal Society nder hitaande 2024.


  1. MacFarlane, Douglas R.; Kar, Mega; Pringle, Jennifer M. (2017). Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids: From Chemistry to Applications. doi:10.1002/9783527340033. ISBN 978-3-527-33999-0.