Duule Smith-Bontura-Evans

Suudu Smith-Bontura-Evans, anndiraandu kadi Evansviewand Bontura, ko galle daartol e njulaagu ngu Robert D. Smith mahi to Natchez, Mississippi. Afriknaajo Ameriknaajo rimɗuɗo, Smith mahii suudu nduu ngam gollal mum livery e hoɗorde Grek Revival hakkunde 1851 e 1858. Nde limtaama e nder binndital ngenndiwal nokkuuji daartol ñalnde 29 marse 1978.

Smith-Bontura-Evans House
YemreNatchez On-Top-of-the-Hill Historic District, Natchez Historic District Taƴto
Golle imaaɗe1852 Taƴto
LesdiDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
Nder laamooreNatchez Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto31°33′40″N 91°24′22″W Taƴto
Architectural styleGreek Revival architecture Taƴto
Heritage designationNational Register of Historic Places listed place, National Register of Historic Places contributing property Taƴto
Street address107 South Broadway Taƴto

Nder hitaande 1977 suudu ndu laati maral wuro Natchez nder National Society of the Colonial Dames of America.

Ndaare kadi

  • Linjiila nokkuuje taariike Afriknaaɓe Amerik e Mississippi

