Georg Bohm (jannginoowo anndal)

Georg Bohm ko cukko hooreejo wiɗtooji e karallaagal to Bridgestone Americas, teskinɗo e ƴellitgol mbaydi elektoronik ko adii nde elastomeruuji ɗii njuumtata.

Georg Bohm (jannginoowo anndal)
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi, Otiris Taƴto
InndeGeorg Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguBöhm Taƴto
Sana'ajiscientist Taƴto
EmployerBridgestone Taƴto
Janngi toUniversity of Vienna Taƴto
Award receivedCharles Goodyear Medal Taƴto


  • BS Engineering Electrical, University of ViennaJaŋde Vienna
  • 1962 - Doktaral Fisiiki diga University of Vienna nder Austria

Hakkunde 1963 e 1967, o waɗi kuugal anndal/kuugal jaŋde e: Max Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry e Gottingen, Germany, Seoul National University e Korea, University of Bandung e Indonesia, e Northwestern University e Illinois.


  • 1967 - Radiation Research Laboratories of Firestone Corp. nder Westbury, New York
  • 2005 - o jeyaa e Bridgestone Americas hono VP Research and Technology
  • 2010 - hooreejo Appia LLC

Bohm's kuuɗe ɓurɗe booyugo yaajiri hujja dow morfoloji fuɗnaaku molecular, temperatuure fuɗnaaki e fuɗnaako for EPDM/BR fuɗnaaka.

Jaɓɓorgo Kewuuji

  • 2016 - Charles Goodyear Medal of the Rubber Division of the American Chemical Society

