Gio National Forest
United States National Forest, forest
IUCN protected areas categoryIUCN category IV: Habitat/Species Management Area Taƴto
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto6°40′0″N 8°40′0″W Taƴto

The Gio National Forest is a forest area situated in central Nimba County, Liberia. It was established in 1960 and covers an area of about 327 km2

Go'oto nder leɗɗe ɓurɗe mawnude nder Liberia, ɗon haadi nder fombina fuunaaŋge lesdi, ɗon ɗon ɗon haadi diga yimɓe gariiri ɗon nyiɓugo lamɓe maɓɓe nder lesdi.

Luttugol leydi dow daande maayo ko mita 268.

Ɗum woni woodre je ɗon haani nder leɗɗe je ɗon haaki nder leɗɗe.



Ɗum ɗon miijo wonde Dan (Gio) National Forest ɗon ɗon mari tagdi limgal limgal limngal limgal limɗi, amma bana no wi'a nder jaayndiyanki nder 2003, limgal limɗe ɗe ɗon maayi malla ɗon tawaa nder kawtal limɗi (Kormos et al. 2003)

