Template:Liberia Districts

Luttugol Gola Konneh District nder Grand Cape Mount County
Gola Konneh District
district of Liberia
LesdiLabiriyaa Taƴto
Nder laamooreGrand Cape Mount County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto7°11′38″N 10°52′12″W, 7°9′55″N 10°54′14″W Taƴto

Diiwaan Gola Konneh ina jeyaa e diiwanuuji joy tawaaɗi e nder diiwaan Grand Cape Mount, to leydi Liberiya. Haa e binnditagol hitaande 2008, ina waɗi 23 518 neɗɗo.