Ponto Goongoongup ko ponto laana njoorndi to Fuɗnaange Perth, Hirnaange Ostarali taƴoowo maayo Swan, jeyaaɗo e laana Armadale. Nde udditaa ko ñalnde 24 sulyee 1995 e nder golle elektirik e nder laylaytol laana njoorndi Perth.[1] Innde ndee ummorii ko e helmere Nyungar wonande nokku Claisebrook..

Goongoongup Bridge
To fuuna fuuna fuun, Windan Bridge ɗon haa yaasi e Goongoongup Bridge haa yaasi
Goongoongup Bridge
railway bridge, footbridge
LesdiOsterliya Taƴto
Nder laamooreWestern Australia Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto31°56′52″S 115°52′59″E Taƴto
CrossesSwan River Taƴto
Next crossing downstreamMatagarup Bridge Taƴto
Next crossing upstreamWindan Bridge Taƴto

Goongoongup Bridge je ɗon jeyta nder hitaande 1932 bee leɗɗe Bunbury Bridge je ɗon maɓɓiti nder hitaande 1996. O jeytaama suudu asli 1893 nde ndiyam ɓooyma.[1]

Luttugol beton dow laawol ɗiɗi ina woodi mita 407 (1,335 e ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon jaɓɓa dow dow dow dow. Lataade ɓaawo daande mawɗo ɗon woodi laawol ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓawooɓe/ndal.

Windan Bridge wootere wootere je ɗon woodi laabi joweego fuɗɗii ha hitaande 2000 e ɗon haandi bana maare e mita 2 (6 dow maayo diga Goongoongup Bridge.


Kuugal ceerno amadaŋgal e nder lewru abriil 2012

E hitaande 2002, ɓaawo leydi e fuɗɗam fuɗɗam ngal fuɗɗam ɓadake fuɗɗam.[2] Woni fuɗɗuki 140 mm (5.5 dow dow dow dowɗe ɗon maaro, e nder nder warugoji njinnginirɗi ɗon wi'a fuɗɗuki ɗum yaaki 300 mm (12 ha sakkinki karnijum, nden fuɗɗuki fuɗɗuki dowji ɗon yaaki nder duuɓi 10 haa 20.

Kuugal ngal ngal ngal Fedde Ɓamtaare Fuuta fuɗɗii e lewru August 2011 e timmini e fuɗɗoode 2013.


  1. "New Perth Bridge Opens" Railway Digest September 1995 page 16
  2. Stewart, D.P. and McInnes, D.B. The impact of lateral soil displacements on the Goongoonup rail bridge, Perth, 8th ANZ Conference on Geomechanics, Canberra, ACT, Australian Geomechanics Society, 1: pp 345-351 (1999)