John Imbrie (4 sulyee 1925 – 13 mee 2016) ko ganndo paleoceanographe Ameriknaajo ɓurɗo anndeede e golle mum e miijo duuɓi geec. Ko o taani William Imbrie, misioneer Ameriknaajo to Japon.

John Imbrie
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeJohn Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo4 Morso 1925 Taƴto
ƊofordePenn Yan Taƴto
Date of death13 Duujal 2016 Taƴto
Place of deathProvidence Taƴto
Sana'ajigeologist, meteorologist, university teacher, climatologist Taƴto
EmployerBrown University, Columbia University Taƴto
Janngi toPrinceton University, Yale University Taƴto
ResidenceSeekonk Taƴto
ConflictWorld War II Taƴto
Memba enNational Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Taƴto

Caggal nde o waɗi gollude e 10th Mountain Division nder Italiya wakkati konu duuniyaaru ɗiɗawru, Imbrie heɓii jaŋde maako nder Princeton University. Nden o heɓii doktoor to Jaŋde Yale nder 1951. O suɓii nder National Academy of Sciences nder hitaande 1978, e nder American Philosophical Society e American Academy of Arts and Sciences nder hitaande 1981. Nder hitaande nden, o heɓii MacArthur Fellowship. O heɓii Medal Maurice Ewing nder hitaande 1986 diga AGU e Medal William H. Twenhofel diga Society for Sedimentary Geology nder 1991, nde wakkati tan Society hokki ɗum to goɗɗo naa gooduɗo. Imbrie ɗon nder ekkolji dow jaango anndal geoloji dow Brown University diga 1967, to o ɗon haɓɓii hooreejo Henry L. Doherty nder Oceanography. O waɗi ko o jaagorɗo jaagorgal e Brown.

Imbrie ɓuri anndugo bana mo wurtini deftere nder Science nder hitaande 1976, 'Variations in Earth's orbit: Pacemaker of the ice ages'. Naftirki ɓooyi ɓooyi ndiyam, kubaruuji Science tabbitiniri miijooji Milutin Milanković dow no feccere nder ɗemngal ɓaawo duuɓi miliyonji ujine ɗon hawta bee feccere e duniyaaru dow no fecca, e dow no fecci, e dow ko feccere dow naange. Ɗee waylital anndiraa jooni ko Milankovitch cycle. O laati jaɓɗo Medal Milutin Milankovic bee George Kukla nder hitaande 2003.

John Imbrie woniri nder fiidiyooji ɗi fimmaani The Last Ridge: The Uphill Battles of the 10th Mountain Division.

O maayi nder Providence, Rhode Island, nder hitaande 2016 e duuɓi 90.

  • Fedde isotopji nder maayo
  • Sahaa fuɗɗam
  • Timeline glaciation

