John Stull (aɗtudiyankeejo)
John Stull (hedde 1930 — 9 noowammbar 2012) ko ganndo e injenieer Ameriknaajo, kadi ko o jannginoowo ganndal koode to duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Alfred to Alfred, New York O sikkaa ko kanko mahi walla mahti fotde teleskopuuji gonɗi e nder nokku ƴeewndo oo fof, ko ɗum inniraa e teddungal makko e hitaande 1989. O anndaa kadi ko e sincude « system de piste de l’air », woni kaɓirgal ganndal kuutorteengal ngam janngude dille e nder nokkuuji ɗi ɓuuɓol mum famɗi.t.
E hitaande 1997, asteroid 31113 Stull noddinaa ngam Stull, caggal nde Scott Weaver e David DeGraff heɓii ɗum huutoree e telescope Stull.
Nolde hoore
taƴtoStull jibinaa nder 1930 nder Dansville, New York.
Stull jaɓi magna cum laude nder 1952 nden o heɓii PhD diga Alfred University nder ceramic engineering. O ɗon wondi jannginoowo jaŋde ɗiɗaɓo to o heɓiri doktoor nder cukalel ceramic nder wakkati maajum. Nden o yahi haa o jokki darnde dow Alfred University nder 1958 nden o hooti nder 1992, o waɗi golle maako fuu nder Alfred.
Nder hitaande 1963, Stull waɗi laawol yahugo dow dow dow dow, Stull-Ealing, masin masin masin masin, ɗum naftiraama nder jannginki anndal physics, ɗum waɗi nder duniyaaru fuu.
Stull maayi ñalnde 9 Noofambar 2012, e duuɓi 82 e Almond, New York.
Jaɓɓorgo Kewuuji
taƴtoCaggal nde o jeyi nder hitaande 1992, Stull tokki kuugal haa Alfred University. Stull heɓii sariya Alfred University Friend Award nder hitaande 2002 e Lillian T. Nevins Award ngam kuugal ngal haa fuɗɗam e jaŋde nder hitaande 2011.