Kinsman and Foreman (Kinsman e Foreman) ko deftere renndoyankoore nde hitaande 1966 nde winndiyanke Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo T. M. Aluko winndi. Deftere nde ina jeyaa e defte binndaaɗe e nder deftere Heinemann African Writers Series.Hay so tawii noon gardiiɗo laamu nguu ina etoo daranaade fenaande e nder leydi Najeriya, o waawaa, haa jooni o artiraama to nokku toowɗo ngam heɓde golle.[1] While representing the social corruption of Nigeria, the novel explores topics that build out of Aluko's experience as a civil engineer.[2] Nde o wallitorii majjere renndo Naajeeriya, deftere nde ina yuurnitoo toɓɓe mahngo e nder humpito Aluko e nder humpito siwil. To bannge tiitoonde, deftere ndee ina teskaa e jikkuuji e luural pinal gaddanngal fenaande.[3]

Kinsman and Foreman
literary work
YemreAfrican Writers Series Taƴto
TitleKinsman and Foreman Taƴto
Form of creative worknovel Taƴto
Genresocial novel Taƴto
AuthorT. M. Aluko Taƴto
Country of originNaajeeriya Taƴto
Language of work or nameInngilisjo Taƴto
Publication date1966 Taƴto


  1. Cortese, Giuseppina; Duszak, Anna (2005). Identity, Community, Discourse: English in Intercultural Settings. Peter Lang. pp. 109–133. ISBN 9783039106325.
  2. "Engineers in Novels: A Series Preview". Everyday Ethics. PSU. Apr 21, 2015. Retrieved September 3, 2015.
  3. "Engineers in Novels: A Series Preview". Everyday Ethics. PSU. Apr 21, 2015. Retrieved September 3, 2015.