Kubi Indi
ɓii aadama
Jinsudebbum Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuSimmbaabuwe Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguKubi Taƴto
ƊofordeSimmbaabuwe Taƴto
ƊemngalShona, Ndebele Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajiaktoji, business executive Taƴto
Personal pronounL484 Taƴto

Kubi Chaza Indi ko goomu ɓamtaare Zimbabwe e jaaynoowo. Nder innde maako, Kubi Chaza, o ɗon wondi laatooɗo nder lesdi lesdi United Kingdom, o ɗon wari nder Live and Let Die nder hitaande 1973 bana laatooɗo jaaynde nder James Bond. Caggal nde o wardi Zimbabwe, o e gorko maako John Indi fuɗɗii jaŋde ngam waɗugo kuuje ɓernde.

Indi ɗon ɗon huutoro nder ummaatoore ɓamtaare, ɓurna bee haalaji je ɗon hawta rewɓe, nden ɗon jeyaaɗo mawɗo jaajotooɓe jaajotooji mawɓe nder lesdi Zimbabwe.

Indis ɗon tokki huuwugo nder film, John bana laatoowo, amma Kubi nder yaasi ɗiɗi. E hitaande 1989, o waɗi I Am the Future, film dow debbo mo (ko Stella Chiweshe waɗi) mo yahda to wuro mawɗo ngam yaasi konu hooreejo Zimbabwe nder nokkuuje gariiri. Nder hitaande 1993, o waɗi laral ɓadiiɗo jamanuurɗo nder Neria, nder deftere Tsitsi Dangarembga dow debbo debbo nder Zimbabwe. Fim ɗiɗawol ɗi Godwin Mawuru waɗi, nden Neria waɗi fijirde fijirde Oliver Mtukudzi.

Indi woni gooduɗo rewɓe filmmakers of Zimbabwe.



Darnde makko e wonde suka debbo yeeyoowo e nder duɗal Oh Cult Voodoo ari ko nde o woni to leydi Angalteer, o dañii waɗde heen geɗel. Jikku makko no suka debbo yeeyoowo nii, ina gollina James Bond (Roger Moore fiyi ɗum), ina ɓuuɓna ɗum huunde, caggal ɗuum ina nodda Mister Big nde Bond yalti e boowal.[1]

Caggal nde Zimbabwe heɓii hoore mum, Indi e gorko mum John ɓe coodi leydi ndi. Nder ɗon ɓe fuɗɗii jaaynde maɓɓe ngam kuɓuki ɓalli ɓalli, ko Kubi Cosmetics. Hannde ɗum marki anndal nder Afrik worgo. O waɗi kuuje ɗe ɓesda ngam ɓalli e ɓalli Afrik.[1]

Filmeography suɓugo

  • To Tomorrow (1970) - Sylvana
  • Live and Let Die (1973) - jaaynde jaaynde (Oh Cult Voodoo Shop, 33 E 65th St, New York City, New York 10065)
  • Yiɗugo on ɓooyiiko (1973) - debbo arandeejo ɓaleejo
  • Royal Flash (1975) - Lucy
  • Neria (1993) - Connie (laawol fimmaare)
  • Shaina (2020) - Koore Gogo



Jaŋde ɓeydi

  • Afrika Film & TV Details of I Am the FutureMi woni yeeso
  • Neria'en feere feere