Lerotholi Letsie (hedde 1836-1905) ko mawɗo mawɗo Basoto (Lesoto hannde) tuggi 20 noowammbar 1891 haa 19 ut 1905. Letsie ina jeyaa e mawɓe ardinooɓe wolde gunndo Basotho e hitaande 1880 nde joofi ko e nafoore basotho e jeytaare Lesotho.

ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1836 Taƴto
ƊofordeBasutoland Taƴto
Date of death19 Juko 1905 Taƴto
Place of deathBasutoland Taƴto
FatherLetsie I Moshoeshoe of Lesotho Taƴto
MarudeGriffith Lerotholi, Letsie II Lerotholi, Nathaniel Griffith Lerotholi Taƴto
FamilySeeiso Taƴto
Position heldKing of Lesotho Taƴto

Lideral Basotho


Lerotholi laati ardiiɗo caggal maayde baaba maako nder 1891. Nder hitaande 1898, o haɓɓi o maayan baaba maako to dow nokkuure wootere Thaba Bosiu. O jooɗii hooreejo haa maayde maako nder 1905. Ɓiɗɗo maako Letsie II waɗi hooreejo Basotho.


Preceded by
Paramount Chief of Basutoland Succeeded by