Lewis Brown (Liberiya)
Ko Hon. Lewis G. Brown II ko gonnooɗo jaagorgal humpito, pinal e turism to leydi Liberiya. Caggal nde o woni jaagorgal ko feewti e humpitooji e geɗe pinal e turism, Lewis Garseedah Brown II toɗɗaama e juuɗe hooreejo leydi Sirleaf ngam wonde ammbasadeer Liberia duumotooɗo to Fedde Ngenndiije Dentuɗe e Ammbasadeer Liberia to Republique de Cuba e hitaande 2016 to ONU. Amb. Brown wonnoo kadi ko gardiiɗo kisal ngenndi to Charles Taylor, kadi ko gardiiɗo LPRC.
Jinsu | gorko |
Ɓii-leydiyankaaku | Labiriyaa |
Innde | Lewis |
Innde ɓesngu | Brown |
Ɗuubi daygo | 1965 |
Sana'aji | ngaɗoowo siyaasaje, diplomat |
Position held | Minister of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations |
Janngi to | Johns Hopkins University, University of Liberia |
Firo siyasa
taƴtoBrown waɗi hooreejo leydi Liberia nder hitaande 2003 nder laamu hooreejo leydi Charles Taylor. Brown waɗi yeeso Monie R. Captan e Thomas Nimely.
Nder lewru 24 lewru Janaare 2012, hooreejo Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf suɓii Lewis Brown, mo ardiiɗo National Democratic Coalition (NDC) bana Minista mum keso ngam anndal, kuuɗe aada e turism. Brown, mo waɗi hooreejo lesdi Liberia nder hitaande 2003 nder laamu hooreejo Charles Taylor, haɓɓii Cletus Sieh mo o jeyi diga nder ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓillaaji ɗi'e nder hitaande waɗi ngam haɓɓugo janngooɓe balɗe ngam ɓe ɗon haɓɓa ngam ɓe mbaawaay ɓe hokki ceede nder nder nder nder suudu Monrovia. Brown, mo ɗonno hawtina dow laamu Sirleaf, o wurtini hooreejo laamu ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon fewndo ngam ɓaawo NDC hawtina Dew Mayson. Jaɓɓorgo maako ɗon ɗon ɗon to hooreejo leydi waɗi ɓernde ɓeydaaki e dow dow ko o wi'i o ɗon ɗaɓɓita nokkuure nder laamorde Sirleaf.