Toɓɓere Richmond, anndiraande kadi toɓɓere Girl Scout, ko diiwaan taariindi ngenndiwal, saraaji Cordesville, to diiwaan Berkeley, to Karolina worgo. Nde mahiraa ko hedde hitaande 1927, e nde hawri e galle mawɗo e cuuɗi yaajɗi mahraaɗi ngam wonde nokku dogdu ngam George A. Ellis, jom kaalis mawɗo to New York, kadi ko gooto e sosɓe E. F.

Richmond Plantation
building, archaeological site
LesdiDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
Nder laamooreBerkeley County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto33°4′43″N 79°51′34″W Taƴto
Heritage designationNational Register of Historic Places listed place Taƴto

Manor house ko -storey, asymmetrical brick building be rectangular central mass, be wings be story be wings - a American interpretation of the Shavian Manor Style, defined by the neo-medieval work of the English architect Richard Norman Shaw.  Kadi nder suudu ɗon woodi cuuɗi ɗiɗawɗi nder ɗemngal Shavian Manor: suudu carriage, suudu dog, suudu gooti, e suudu gate. Ɓeydi ɗi suudu ndu'e woodi suudu go'o, cuuɗi go'o e go'o nder suudu, cemtugol, e archaeological remains of the original 18th e 19th century rice plantation. Nder hitaande 1963 suudu man ɓe ndilli to Low Country Girl Scout Council, ɓe njogii ɗum bana suudu haa 2011. Goomu ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon feere, nder nder nder nder feere feere, to goɗɗo feere nder 2013, ammaa ɗon ɗon ɗon haaki nder nder nder haalaji ɗo ɗo ɗo ɗo ɓe ɗon ɗowtana ɗum.

Ɗum haɓɓii nder nder National Register of Historic Places nder 1980.

