Luttugo Ntchisi
Ntchisi Mountain is a mountain in central Malawi. It is located in Ntchisi District, east of the town of Ntchisi.
Ko'e dow lesdi Ndchisi haa mawngu haa mawngo haa mita 1702. Ɗejejeje goɗɗe ɓadakeje ɓuri mita 1600.[1] Ntchisi ɗon ha dow fuɗnaange hirnaange ɓillaare Afrik fuɗnaare, e Ntchisi ɗon jeyaa nder fuɗnaande fuɗnaade fuɗnaango, kooseeje, e kooseeje ɗe ɗon jeyaa fuɗnaangal hirnaange. To fuunaaŋge ɗon woodi laaɓal ngal ngal mari hirsirde maayo Malawi. To hirnaange woni Central Region Plateau, anndiraa boo bana Lilongwe Plain.
Ntchisi Mountain Forest Reserve haɓɓii nder 192, e hawti e nokkuure 97.12 km2.[2] Luttugol ngal woni wuro nder ladde ladde ladda, ladde laddinde ladde laddu hakkunde ladde ladder Chipata haa woyla e ladde Dedza e Kirk Range haa woyla. Duniyaaji ndiyam ɗon hawta ha haare 220, haa haaji mita 1.450 haa 1.640 haa maare. Ɗuum duɗal duɗal ngal woni Anngeria sp.., e nokkuure ɓurɗe (30 ha) nder lekki Newtonia buchananii mawɗi dow dow fombina fuuna fuuna fuun. Figoji ɓanngooɓe (Ficus spp.) ɗon ɗuuɗugo. [1] Montane geese e geese ɗon wondi boo haa nokkuuje ɓurɗe. Miombo woodland ɗon jeyaa nder dowji.
Duttinre Ntchisi woni ko woni fannu ngal ngal ngalleeki nder fannu ndu'o greenbul (Phyllastrephus alfredi) e ɗiɗo leɗɗe, Charaxes ameliae e Hipolycaena hatita.[1]
Ntchisi Forest Lodge woni ecological lodge je ɗon marɓe nder nokkuure je ɗon jeyi nder fombina fuunaaŋge.
taƴto- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 BirdLife International (2019) Important Bird Areas factsheet: Ntchisi Mountain Forest Reserve. Downloaded from on 02/09/2019.
- ↑ "Ntchisi Forest Reserve. Protected Planet, accessed 1 September 2019.