Mbacke Department
Departemaa Mbacké ina jeyaa e departemaaji 45 leydi Senegaal, kadi jeyaa ko e tati kuuɓtidinɗi Diiwaan Diourbel.
Mbacke Department
Lesdi | Senegaal |
Laamorde | Mbacké |
Nder laamoore | Diourbel Region |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 14°48′9″N 16°2′59″W, 14°48′30″N 15°51′52″W |
Laamorgo departema oo ko komin gooto, hono Mbacké.
Diiwanuuji teeru ɗii (communautés rurales) ɗee ngoni :
Diiwaan Kael Dendeye Gouy Gui [fr]. Darou salam typ [fr]. Kael [fr]. Madiina [fr] N'Dioumane [fr] Touba mboul [fr]. Darou nahim [fr]. Taïba Thiékène [fr]. Diiwaan Ndame Dalla ngabou [fr]. Misira [fr]. Nghaye [fr]. Fall tuuba [fr]. Juulirde tuuba [fr]. Diiwaan Taïf Saajo [fr] Tayif [fr].
Nokkuuji daartol [1]
taƴtoJuulirde mawnde to Touba
aynou rahmati, ɓulli miséricorde à touba
Gouye Tékhé et Gouye Ziarra baobab at Touba
Négou mame diarra bousso at khourou mbacké
Gese Tumulus to Thiékène, e nder diiwaan Kael
Tumulus to Gninguène.
Ƴeew kadi