Michael Birt (biochemist)

Lindsay Michael Birt, AO, CBE (18 lewru Yarkomaa 1932 – 28 Oktoobar 2001) ko chili hooreejo gadano duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Wollongong hakkunde 1975 e 1980, e cukko hooreejo nayaɓo duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde New South Wales hakkunde 1992 e 1992 . 

Michael Birt (biochemist)
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuOsterliya Taƴto
InndeMichael Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo18 Siilo 1932 Taƴto
Date of death28 Yarkomaa 2001 Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajibiochemist Taƴto
Janngi toUniversity of Melbourne Taƴto
Award receivedCommander of the Order of the British Empire, Officer of the Order of Australia, Officer of the Order of the British Empire Taƴto



Michael Birt jibini 18 lewru Janaare 1932 nder Melbourne, Australia. O janngini haa Melbourne Boys High School e University of Melbourne, to o timmini Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Bachelor of Science e PhD nder biochemistry.

Nder hitaande 1960, Birt wartii to Jaangoorgal Melbourne o waɗi darja e darja mawɗo nder jaango Biochemistry, to o haani ngam o ɓeyda ɓernde ngam biochemistry nder jannginooɓe maako. Nder hitaande 1967 o noddi o wardi hooreejo jaango e hooreejo jaangirde lesdi Australia nder jaangirde biochemistry, to o jooɗii haa o suɓii nder hitaande 1973 bana mawɗo jaango dow jaangirde Wollongong. Wakil-wooftaaki Foundation to University of Wollongong diga 1975, Michael Birt ɓaawo ɗon o yahdi to wakil-woowtaaki University of New South Wales nder 1981.

Nder wakkati maako bana mawɗo ardiiɗo dow Wollongong University, Birt waɗi haɓɓugo Wollongonga University e huutugo, e haɓɓugo ɗum ngam hawtaago e Wollongung Teachers College e 1982. O dilli Wollongong ngam o jaɓɓa darnde mawɗo jaŋde to Yunivasiti New South Wales. Nder teddungal darnde Birt to jaŋde Wollongong, deftere mum mawɗe noddetee Deftere Michael Birt.

Bana mawɗo jaŋde University of New South Wales, Birt jaŋgi jaŋde nde laawol hokkugo jaŋde jaŋde e jaŋde ɓamtaare College of Fine Arts e Australian Defence Force Academy. E hitaande 1993 Michael Birt Gardens to UNSW ɓe noddi nder teddungal Birt to UNSW.

Birt laatii laamɗo laamu British Empire e hitaande 1980 e laamɗo Orde Australia e hitaande 1986. O woodi ɓiɓɓe ɗiɗo bee debbo maako Jenny.

Birt maayi ha 28 Oktoobar 2001. Caggal misaaji ɓaawo mum ha kaniisol St Mary's, North Sydney, o jeyi.

