Molly Brodak (March 29, 1980 - March 8, 2020) ko o mawɗo Amerik, winndaɗo, e baker. O woni jaayndiyanke poemji A Little Middle of the Night (University of Iowa Press, 2010) e memoir Bandit (Grove Press, 2016). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution wi'i Bandit: "ko deftere dow haalaaji e kuugal, dow no waɗeteeji e kuugal laato en, e no baaba laato goɗɗo, e no suka mawɗo laato goɗɗo". The New York Times wi'i bandit "ko defte wooɗi, e daliila goɗɗe", nde Kirkus wi'i "ko defter anndal, wallitol, e goonga".