Nana kwaku boateng mi wonnoo ko omanhene juaben keso. O ardii murto ngam haɓaade jolngo kaŋŋe Ashanti e laamu Nana Dokua.[1] O laami Juaben Keso (ina wiyee sahaaji Dwaben) tuggi 1913 haa 1930. Nana Kwaku dañii ɓiɗɗo gorko ina wiyee Asafo Adjei resii laamɗo Juaben ina wiyee Sapoma. O ƴetti koɗorɗe Juaben caggal maayde makko ko ɗum luurdi e kuutoragol aadaaji e nder njuɓɓudi lomto matrilineal.[2]

Nana Kwaku Boateng
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1800 Taƴto

Daartol Juaben keso Juaben keso oo ko mooliiɓe Asante cosi ɗum. E nder hitaande 1875 e ko ina tolnoo e 1875, hare hakkunde Juabens to Ashanti e woɗɓe wonɓe to Ashanti addani Juabenhene en e won e leñol mum eggude e nokku mo ngon-ɗen hannde oo e nder diiwaan Fuɗnaange. Ɓe koɗi e nokku saraaji Koforidua, ɓe cosi Juaben keso. Ndee leydi ko Nana Asafo Agyei wonnoo Omanhene ndeen, rewi heen ko leñol mum haa Juaben keso.[3]


  1. "Okyeman History". Archived from the original on 2020-02-04. Retrieved 2020-08-08.
  2. ADDO-FENING, R. (1973). "Asante Refugees in Akyem Abuakwa 1875-1912". Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. 14 (1): 39–64. ISSN 0855-3246. JSTOR 41405838.
  3. "Legal Research for Commonwealth Lawyers | JUDY". Retrieved 2020-08-08.