Nelson Wesley Trout (1921–1996) woni bismaango afriknaajo-ameriknaajo gadano e nder Egliis Lutheran Evangelical to Amerik. Trout jibinaa ko to Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Nelson Wesley Trout
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeNelson Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1921 Taƴto
ƊofordeColumbus Taƴto
Date of death20 Siilto 1996 Taƴto
Sana'ajipriest, theologian, university teacher Taƴto
DiinaLutheranism Taƴto

Trout laɓɓini bishop of the South Pacific District of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) nder 1983, nokku o waɗi haa 1987. Nder wakkati mo ɓe suɓii o ɗon moolinoowo e moolinooɗo janngude ɓaleeɓe e Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.

Trout anndini bana mo waajotooɗo mo ɗon kolla e mo woodi baawɗe nder diina fuu. Nder golle maako fuɗɗii, o huuwani kuugal limgal nder Alabama (nde o laati masin e kollaaku Martin Luther King Jr.), California e Wisconsin, e bo darnde mawɗo Lutheran Social Services, Dayton, Ohio. Nder wakkati ɗiɗi o huuwani ALC nder kuugal fulfulde: o laati ardiiɗo mawɗo yimɓe ɓeen (1962-67) e ardiiɗo habaru habaru ha nder gariiri (1968-70).

Trout maayi nder hitaande 1996 e duuɓi 76. O haani nder Kalandaaru Lutuɓe ha nder Eklesiya Lutuɓe e Amerik nder lewru 20 Septemba.

Wurooji wurooji
