Mawɗo Oko Jumbo (maayi 1891) ko Ijaw [1]mawɗo iwdi maccuɓe[2] e nder Laamu Bonny, diiwaan e nder Delta Niiseer, hannde jeyaa ko e Diiwaan Rivers, Najeriya. Duuɓi keewɗi e teeminannde 19ɓiire ko kanko woni laamɗo Bonny baawɗo golle. Hay so tawii wonaa laamɗo to Bonny, kadi Warribo ko gardiiɗo karallaagal suudu Pepple Fubara Manilla, "Oko Jumbo e Ja Ja ina ƴeewtee e kala neɗɗo wonde ko kamɓe ngoni laamɓe Bonny."[3]

Oko Jumbo
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuNaajeeriya Taƴto
Date of death1891 Taƴto

Ijaw njulaagu dowlaaji. Bonny to daande maayo fuɗnaange. Winndannde mawnde: Laamu Bonny Laamu Bonny, ko adii fof ina wiyee Ibani walla Ubani, ko leydi aadaaji jowitiindi e wuro Bonny e nder leydi Rivers, leydi Najeriya. Laamu nguu ko Ijo en jooɗinoo. Bonny ummii e laamu fuɗɗoraade e teeminannde 15ɓiire e gargol Purtugeec e njulaagu jiyaaɓe Atlantik, o woni ko e depot jiyaaɓe adduɓe e nder leydi. E teeminannde 19ɓiire, laamu nguu dooli e Angalteer ngam dartinde njulaagu jiyaaɓe. Njulaagu nebam ɗam lomtii njulaagu.


  1. Crow, Hugh (1830). Memoirs of the late Captain Hugh Crow of Liverpool : comprising a narrative of his life together with descriptive sketches of the western coast of Africa, particularly of Bonny; the manners and customs of the inhabitants, the productions of the soil, and the trade of the country. Smithsonian Libraries. London ; Liverpool : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green : And G. and J. Robinson.
  2. K. Onwuka Dike (1966). Trade and politics in the Niger Delta, 1830-1885: an introduction to the economic and political history of Nigeria.
  3. Kingsley, Mary Henrietta (1899). West African studies. Princeton Theological Seminary Library. London : Macmillan.