Patrick Bellegarde-Smith

Patrick Bellegarde-Smith is a professor emeritus of Africology at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Bellegarde-Smith is an associate editor of the Journal of Haitian Studies and former president of the Haitian Studies Association and the Congress of Santa Barbara (KOSANBA), a scholarly association for the study of Vodou and other African-derived religions..

Patrick Bellegarde-Smith
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
InndePatrick Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1947 Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajihistorian Taƴto
EmployerUniversity of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Taƴto



O heɓii PhD makko nder haalde e nder leyɗeele e nder leyɗol Amerik, o jogii darnde nder politik e taariika.[1]

Bellegarde-Smith woni ɓii-ɓii-ɓiyum diplomateer Haitian Dantès Bellegarde. Bellegarde-Smith woni houngan, ko boowo Vodou.   [<span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (February 2024)">citation needed</span>]


  • Nder nder laana baawɗe: Dantès Bellegarde nder hakkilantaaku hawaitiyanko'en (1985)
  • Haiti: The Breached Citadel (1990) (Daaɓre ɗiɗmere 2004)
  • Fragments of Bone: Diinaaji Neo-Afrika e nder duniyaru keso (Editor) (2005)
  • Vodou Haitian: Ruuhu, Miit, e goonga (ko'o hawritoowo e Claudine Michel) (2006)
  • Kuje ɗe naawataa: Vodou e ɓamtaare Haiti (kowo hawritoowo e Claudine Michel) (2006)

