Polytechnic, Ibadan
Polytechnic, Ibadan (ngam anndiraa "Poly Ibadan") ko jaango jaango nder Ibadan nder lesdi Oyo, Naajeeriya. Hunde Poly Ibadan haɓɓii nder 1970, nandi bee polytechnics feere ha Nigeria. Jaangoore nden fuɗɗii haɓɓugo janngirde mawnde feere to jaangirde, ɓurna nder jaangoore anndal. Lindiyaaku jaɓɓugo kuuɗe e anndal anndal haani tabbituki ngam jannginooɓe ɓe mari anndal yeeso ɓe ɗon wurta suudu seniiyaaku nden ɓe ɗon hokkata anndal anndol anndal to ummaatoore jaɓɓugo. Poly Ibadan anndiraa kadi ngam tagdi mum tawayɗi ɗi windi nder ɗemngal Yarobanko'en bana "Ise loogun ise" ko wayi no "Work is the medicine for poverty", tagdi Yarobankeejo kalfinaaɗo nder holla kuuɗe kalfinaaɗe woni laawol yahugo.
Polytechnic, Ibadan
Golle imaaɗe | 1970 |
Ɓii-leydiyankaaku | Naajeeriya |
Wolde | Inngilisjo, Yarbankoore, Faransinkoore |
Writing language | Inngilisjo |
Sana'aji | polytechnic |
Office held by head of the organization | rector |
Lesdi | Naajeeriya |
Nder laamoore | Ibadaan, Molete Community High School |
Location | Oyo, Ibadaan |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 7°27′17″N 3°50′59″E |
Ɗemngal ngal sarwisiji leydi fu njoni haalude | Inngilisjo |
Street address | Polyibadan, Sango - Eleyele Express Road, Ibadan. Oyo state |
Postal code | 200211 |
Email address | mailto:registrar@polyibadan.edu.ng |
Laawol ngol laamu anndani | https://polyibadan.edu.ng/, https://polyibadan.edu.ng |
Uses | learning |
Fedde e kuugal maɓɓe
taƴtoFedde Fedde Fuuta
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Mechatronics
Faculty of Science
- Fannu Laboratooru Fannu
- Fedde e Fedde
- Fedde kiimiya huutoreede
- Biokimiya
- Fisiiki e Electronics
- Geoloji
- Fedde anndal ordinateer
- Fedde ngenndi