Rayah Kitule
Rayah Kitule (born 31 January 1984) is a Tanzanian author and editor of numerous monthly magazines including Fab Sugar, and East African Women and Business Entrepreneurs. She has done numerous writing assignments in Tanzania and abroad.
taƴtoRayah Kitule jibinaa nder Dar es Salaam Tanzania, maama maako mo go'oto ɓaŋgi mo Mikocheni, to o "ndiɗɗini kuuɗe maako nder habaru e nder binndol" ngam o janngina janngugo bee sembe e waɗugo habaru nder duuɓi sappo.
O ɗon jaɓɓa bloggo maako e nder bloggo maako, o ɗon haɓɓita bandol maako, bi'eteeɗo Purple Effect.