Robert Edmund Edwards (1926-2000),[1][2][3] ko ɓuri heewde e innde mum ko R. E. Edwards, ko ganndo hiisiwal jibinaaɗo to Biritaan, mo Ostarali, ganndo ko faati e ƴeewndo kuuɓtodinngo. Ko kanko winndi defte keewɗe e nder binndanɗe Springer to bannge hiisa.

O heɓii PhD makko e Birkbeck College, University of London nder hitaande 1951 e nder Lionel Cooper. Ko o waɗi dow ko'e makko woni Theory of Normed Rings, and Translations in Function Spaces. O tokki janngugo ton bana moolinoowo haa 1959, nden o waɗi duuɓi seɗɗa nder Manchester, haa o yahra to Australia nder 1961, to o huuwi haa Institute of Advanced Studies to ANU bana moolotooɗo (1961-1970) e moolinooɗo limte (1970-1978).

Ɗe kuutorɗe

  • Fedde Fedde: Tiyaare e Applications. Holt, Rinehart, e Winston, 1965; jaaynde Dover Publications, 1995; . 
  • e Garth Ian Gaudry: Littlewood-Paley e miijo ɗuuɗal. Springer-Verlag, Resultados der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, vol. 90, 1977. 2012 pbk reprint
  • A Formal Background to Mathematics: Volume 1, Logic, Sets and Numbers. Springer-Verlag, 1979; . 
  • A Formal Background to Mathematics: Volume 2, A Critical Approach to Elementary Analysis. Springer-Verlag, 1980; .[4] 
  • Ɗeɗol jaaynde nder Fedde Fedde Fuuta: Fourier Series, A Modern Introduction. Ɗuɓɓudi 1 e 2. Holt, Rinehart, e Winston, 1967; jaaynde 2nd, Springer-Verlag, 1982; . 
  • Hakkiilo e jaaynde e nder kuuje ɗe ɓe ɗon ɓeydoo. Cambridge University Press, 1972; . 


  1. Encyclopedia of Australian Science
  2. Obituary of Edwards' student Garth Ian Gaudry
  3. National Library of Australia
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Griffiths