Ross J. Baldessarini
Ross J. Baldessarini (jibinaa ko 1937, Massachusetts hirnaange), ko ganndo ko faati e safaara hakkille, ko gardiiɗo, fedde winndereere wiɗtooji ñawbuuli bipolaar e ñawbuuli hakkille to opitaal McLean e jannginoowo safaara hakkille (ganndal ƴiiƴam) to duɗal safaara Harvard.
Ross J. Baldessarini
Jinsu | gorko |
Ɓii-leydiyankaaku | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Innde | Ross |
Innde ɓesngu | Baldessarini |
Ɗuubi daygo | 1937 |
Sana'aji | researcher, psychiatrist |
Employer | McLean Hospital |
Janngi to | Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Williams College |
Award received | Daniel H. Efron Research Award |
taƴto- 1959 AB nder Chemistry, Williams College
- 1963 MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
taƴtoChemotherapy in Psychiatry: Farmakoloji Foondirde Firoji ngam Nyawuuji Ɓurnaji Ɓernde
Ɗeewte nder nder nder nder defte
taƴto- Vázquez GH, Tondo L, Undurraga J, Baldessarini RJ. Fuuɓal ngam huutoraade antidepressant ngam ɓernde ɓernde ɓaawo ɓernde. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;16 (7):1673-1685.
- Yildiz A, Vieta E, Nikodem M, Correll CU, Baldessarini RJ. Meta- analise network dow hujja feerootiral e halki ngam daliila fuu ha njamɗinal antimanik ha mania bipolar acute. Firoji hakkilantaaku 2014;1-19.
- Schalkwijk S, Undurraga J, Tondo L, Baldessarini RJ. Fuuɗugo huwugo nder nder kuugal huwugo huwgo huwugo ɓernde: hujjaji je placebo yaaki. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2014;17 (8):1343-1352.