Roti e inaboojam: Gootoyeeki nder New York

Buru e mburu: Taariik erotik New York (kañum ne ina wiyee Buru e mburu) ko deftere Ameriknaajo winndi e hitaande 1999 nde Samuel R. Delany winndi e naalankaagal Mia Wolff.Deftere nde ko Fantagraphics Books yaltini ɗum e hitaande 2013 e yeewtere e Delany e Wolf. Ko Alan Moore winndi naatgol ngol.

Bread and Wine: An Erotic Tale of New York
graphic novel
TitleBread and Wine: An Erotic Tale of New York Taƴto
GenreLGBT-related literature Taƴto
AuthorSamuel R. Delany Taƴto
Author name stringMia Wolff Taƴto
Language of work or nameInngilisjo Taƴto
Publication date1999 Taƴto



Ɗuum ko deftere foto-biografiye dow winndaako science-fiction mo o hawti e neɗɗo mo walaa wuro o wartii e mo hawti e maɓɓe.

