Sams Plantation Complex Tabby Ruins
Koolol ndema Sams Tabby Ruins ko nokku ndema taariindi e nokku arkewolosi tawaaɗo to Frogmore, diiwaan Beaufort, to Karolina worgo. Nokku oo, ina gasa tawa ko mahaa e dow mum, ko adii 1783. Ina waɗi heen geɗe ɓooyɗe e/walla heddiiɓe e arkewolosi ko famɗi fof 12 mbaydiiji tabbi. Ina heen galle toɓo mawngo, e keeri gonɗi e ŋoral, ina waɗi koɗorɗe taƴɗe, e cuuɗi taƴe mawɗi, e cuuɗi jiyaaɓe taƴe joy. Kadi e dow jeyi hee ina waɗi dependances tabby keewɗi ina heen barme/stable, galle cumu walla galle blade, galle ɓundu/kosam, e ɓundu. Jeyi oo ina waɗi kadi yanaande galle Sams e jumaa Episkopaal mo taariindi mum toowndi. Ko wayi no mbaydiiji goɗɗi ina mbaawi wonde galle gardiiɗo, galle ñamri/miil, e galle cotton tabby. E nder wolde hakkunde leyɗeele Amerik e caggal mum, nokku biyeteeɗo Sams Tabby ko yimɓe rimɓe njooɗinoo. Caggal wolde hakkunde leyɗeele galle ndema oo yani e henndu.
Lesdi | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Nder laamoore | Beaufort County |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 32°25′51″N 80°35′40″W |
Heritage designation | National Register of Historic Places listed place |
Ɗum haɓɓii nder nder National Register of Historic Places nder 2011.