Saul Bernard Cohen (28 Julaay 1925 - 9 Juun 2021) ko geograaf neɗɗo Amerik.

Saul B. Cohen
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeSaul, Bernard Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguCohen Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo28 Morso 1925 Taƴto
ƊofordeMalden Taƴto
Date of death9 Korse 2021 Taƴto
Place of deathLarchmont Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajigeographer Taƴto
Field of workpopulation geography Taƴto
EmployerClark University, Hunter College, Queens College Taƴto
Janngi toHarvard University Taƴto
Memba enAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science Taƴto
Influenced byEdward Ullman Taƴto
Award receivedHarvard Centennial Medal Taƴto

Cohen heɓi bakkaa mum to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Harvard ko adii nde duɗal ngal uddata duɗal mum to bannge geɗe leydi (1947–1951). O woniino hooreejo duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Queens, o woniino kadi jannginoowo geɗe leydi to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Hunter to New York e duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Clark to Massachusetts.


  • Saul B. Cohen
    ɓii aadama
    Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi  
    InndeSaul, Bernard  
    Innde ɓesnguCohen  
    Ɗuubi daygo28 Morso 1925  
    Date of death9 Korse 2021  
    Place of deathLarchmont  
    Field of workpopulation geography  
    EmployerClark University, Hunter College, Queens College  
    Janngi toHarvard University  
    Memba enAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science  
    Influenced byEdward Ullman  
    Award receivedHarvard Centennial Medal  
Israel'sIndustry liɗɗi Israayiil. E nder: Geog Rev, 1957. ASIN B004V2ZF1W  Wondude e Gordon B. Koolaaɗo kuuɓal konu ndiyam, vol. X, alaa. Ñalnde 4 lewru Duujal hitaande 1957 ASIN B001SSQZYI  Ko o bayyinoowo. Laawol kesol e nder jaŋdeeji joogaraafi kolees naatgol. Fedde annduɓe geɗe leydi Amerik, 1967. ASIN B003TJXW6S  Joogaraafi e politik e nder winndere fecciinde, 1963. ISBN 0195016955 (2e ed.)  Geɗe leydi e nokkuuji. Daande Amerik e yeewtere yeewtere, hitaande 1968. ASIN B002VUL67S  Ko o bayyinoowo geɗe leydi. Atlas winndere Oxford. Jaaynde jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Oxford, hitaande 1973  Yerusalaam: Ɓoornugol Mahol Nay, Yiyngo Geopolitik. Jaaynde Herzl, hitaande 1977. ASIN B000H0TY28  Geɗe politik naamnal keeri Israayiil (Jcss jannde, No.7). Jaaynde Westview, hitaande 1987. ISBN 978-0-8133-0460-1  Miijooji dow ittugo Geography haa Harvard, 1947-51. E nder: Annal Fedde Ameriknaare Geɗe leydi, 78, 1, 1988, p.148-151.  Jaaynde Kolombi e winndere ndee toɓɓere 1. Jaaynde duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Kolombi, 1998. ASIN B000PYGXFC  Geography Strategic e Fuɗnaange hakkundeejo waylotooɗo.(Ƴeewndo): Winndannde ummoraade e: Ƴeewndo Geographic. E nder: Ƴeewndo geɗe leydi, 1998, vol. 88, tonngoode 1, h.168 (3).  Defte janngirɗe ɗe njibini yontaaji: Whittlesey, D. 1939: Leydi e dowla: janngugol geɗe leydi politik. New York: Henri Holt e sosiyetee mum. E nder: Yahrugol yeeso e nder geɗe aadee, 2002, 26, h.679. 10.1191/0309132502ph396xx  Geopolitics: Geography jokkindiral hakkunde lesɗe, 3rd edn., 2015. 2015.



Jaŋde ɓeydi
