Wodondirugol: Ceertol hakkunde baylitte

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Gorol 2:
E duubi yawtudi yimbe yihii ñabbeli rabbodi hewudi hino saaki e deer aduna on fow.<ref>[https://www.who.int/influenza/resources/documents/pandemic_guidance_04_2009/en World Health Organization. Global Influenza Programme]. Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response.</ref> din ñabbeli ko e kulle iwii hino rabba cooli e kuule godde nde wonde nde bibbe ñaawu hino wawi kddi raabude yimbe  ko dun woni rabbodirugol hakkude neddo e neddo. ko dun innetee rabbugol zoonotic sabbu ko e kulle iwii.
Wodondirugol (wietee distance physique) hino twa e feere duytugol maa reenagol ñabbeli siifa korona. Distanciation physique  ko woddagol yimbe ben be fotaa fotude e jamaa' madun rentagol  natude e nder yimbe hewube si tawi hino waawi wonude.<ref name=":0">Centers for Disease Control. [iihttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/social-distancing.html Keep your distance to slow the spread.] </ref>  Doctor Jeff kwong ko o jooma gandal fii ko yehi e ñabbeli rabbodi  e universite Toronto ko on wi'ii woo yimbe ben fotii woddodirude fii rentagol ñawu ngun kono wona fii wondema ontigi on suddoto hara yaltaani.<ref>Pearce Katir. [iiihttps://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/13/what-is-social-distancing. What is social distancing and how can it slow the spread of COVID-19?] 13 March 2020. The Hub. Johns Hopkins University. Accessed on 12 April 2020</ref> jooma gande en hebbi feere  no yimbe Ben humpodirta hara be battodiraani.
Fii famugol golle distanciation sociale en daaray golle ko jooma gandal en fewnii ko yehi e mun. E den golle ,  konti wadaama fii  darnugol covid-19 e hittande 2019/2020. konti fudaama gila leydi chine, ko nawnaare den fuddi don  e kaddi ndaarugol ko honno nawnaare  COVID-19 hewtiiri haa Afrik du sud.  dun waalii e andugol nafoore woddodirugol maa distanciation sociale  fii daarnugol raabugol COVID-19. Jannde wadaama fii no boneeji woddodirugol reenirte.
== Fason no ñawu robbowo yi'iirte ==
Nabbeli rabbodi wano covid 19 no raabira  e sifaaji taati.Din sifaaji hino winnda ley.
Joma gande fii ñabbeli din be wi'ii nawnaare den ko laabi tati  nde wayloto . Si a ndaari laawol makko , a yihay maddeji hollaydi  ko yimbe njello newnaare den raabi e ko honno de raabirii be.
# Sengo addigo gon fuddote ka fuddade newnaare . E missal si en jeeti no nawnaare covid 19 nden yaajirta ni ko dun hollirta fuddode yajulgo nawnaare den e daara le ko yimbe seeda joggino ñawu ngun.
# Sifaa dimmo on ko " raabugol jaama on fop".<ref>Wiles S. [https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/09-03-2020/the-three-phases-of-covid-19-and-how-we-can-make-it-manageable. The three phases of Covid-19 and how we can make it manageable.] TheSpinoff. Accessed on 10 April 2020</ref> Dun yahay haa nawnaare nden jeeta nokelji buy hara hino jaaga yimbe buy.  Don ara anditaabe wa nawnuube  no dudii  e hibe beydo ñannde woo haara hibe saati jokkude. Lambe buy  darrnii fii woyasugol otojii ndin, kanbe e sariyaaji dental fii cellal ka adduna.<ref>World Health Organisation. See: https://www.who.int/ihr/publications/9789241580496/en</ref> Sariyaaji fii cellal aduna yaltinaama  fii reenagol, watangol yiili  e cellal jamaa on e hakunde leydiji ndin . Wodondirugol hino tawa e ndin sariyaaji. [[File:20200403_Flatten_the_curve_animated_GIF.gif|thumb| jippingol limoore nawnaare nden<ref>Image accessed at https://www.m.greatandhra.com on 11 April 2020</ref> ]]
# E sifaa taatabo on  hooliri naawnaarr waawa duytede ko dun si a yi'i hebaani hen rabbabe
Fii haabegol ngun ñawu  hino laabi ñawu wano COVID-19 hino yaawi ko naatata e yimbe. ko fii dun wondondirugol hino waawi waluude buy  fii haabegol rabbugol ñawu ngun.
== Wondondirugol maa" distanciation physique" ==
Distanciation  physique (wodondirugol) no wawii dandude nawnube ben raaba yimbe sellube ben . ko dun waddi cae den waddi ko wietee konfine  ka dingiraaji mabbe e kaddi reeno naatude e jamaa. ko gouwernment on subbi nden cae. Den sifaa cae no jojinaa e Afrik du sud haray hay gooto yaltataa si minuit Yoni  gila  26  mars 2020 haa  26 avril 2020, e kaddi balde 14 beyditaama. Angal yaltugol ngol subaama e tombere 27 (2) fii  watugol yi'lli e musiba on<ref>Republic of South Africa. [https://www.gov.za/documents/disaster-management-act Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002].</ref> e kadi yombe ben tonka battondirde. E din piiji , tobbere 11B fii watugol yi'lli:
* Mo bee yo wonu ka galle mun , si Wana gollobe ben  be andandaa ko maa be wadda golle mabbe den, e kadi neddo no wawii yaltude fii soodugol piiji di andandaa be waawataa wonude e baawo min.
* Tertagol moobodirugol e jamaa si wanaa fatunde waddi (hay dun fotaa burude yimbe 50).
* Accugol woyassugol hakude cae e cae.
* Accugol woyasude hakude region e department.
* Subbagol ko hono e ko hondun yimbe ben fotii yeeyude.
* Bitikaaji yeeyay ñaamete kono yimbe ben hino fotii wodondirude ko fotii meteer gooto e kaddi toppito laabal ngal ( wano jogagol ko soodorte) e wadugol ko dandata yimbe ben COVID- 19.
* Sariyaaji ndin kadi:
* Accugol woyasude e avion madun Lana.
* Accugol yeeyugol beere e simme.
* Duytugol ko otojii ndin dogata kon.<ref>Republic of South Africa. [https://www.greengazette.co.za/documents/regulation-gazette-4138-of-25-march-2020-vol-657-no-11062_20200325_GGR-43148 Government Gazette No. 11062.] 25 March 2020.
Itam terelin yi may nañu ñi ngank nguur gi gir  ñu berr yenn nit yi.Matukay yi ñu jel ci wallu berr nit yi dafay tax ba nit yi ñu japp ni am nañu doomu jangoro ji wala ñu laale ak ku ko am ñu berr leen ci benn giir. Dafay tax ñu mena beddi nit yi am mbass mi ci nit yi ko amul.
== Afrique du Sud- royuwaay ci wall wi ==
Terelin yi ñu jel yepp tax na ba mbass mi di COVID-19 lawam gaawul torop tek ci wañeku bu baax wante reewum Afrique du Sud ci adduna wengel kep ñoo jiitu ci wallum xeex mbass mi.<ref>Hollington M and Bennet M. [https://www.eailymaverick.co.za/article/20020 South Africa's world-class fight against COVID-19:The data tells the story.] Coronavirus Op-Ed. Daily Maverick.</ref> Waa Afrique du Sud toppuñu njangat bi am ci wallu mbass li jem ci mungi yek wall mungi wacc. Dañu jeggi ñaarelu pacc mbass mi ndaxte amuñuwoon yokkute ci mbass mi wante itam jankontewuñu ak wallante bu gaaw ci diggante nit ak nit ci benn gox. Xayma bi ñu def ci lim u ñinga xamantani amoon nañu doomu jangoro bi joggena ci ñint fukk ak ñaar ci xayma dem ci  ñint ci xayma gannaaw bañu fonke ak jeffe terelin yooyu.<ref>[https://sacoronavirus.co.za/category/press-releases-and-notices.&#x20;Accessed&#x20;on&#x20;16&#x20;April&#x20;2020 National Department of Health]. Press release, 15 April 2020. </ref> Li dafa wane ni wallante ci diggante nit ak nit ci benn gox dafa wañeku bu baaxa baax loolu moo tax ba limu ñi am mbass mi wañeku bu baaxa bax.
Waa dekk bi danu yabal ay fajj kat yu seen xam xam macc ci wergu yaram u nit yi nekk ci dekk dekkan yi pur defal leen ay test ci ker gu nekk ci gox goxan yi.
Njitum rew ma, Cyril Ramaphosa dafa wax ak waa askanam ci jumtukay bu melni televisiong ci bessu juroom ñint fan ci weer u Avril atum ñaari juni at ak ñaari fukk pur wax ci matuwaay yi dekk ba jel munileen:
" Nangu ngeen bepp terelin buñu teggoon.Wante itam nangu ngeen bepp matuwaay buñuleen waxoon ngeen jel koci wall dem bi ak dikk bi ba ci sax xañ leen seen moomel ci bess bi."<ref>South African Government. President Cyril Ramaphosa: [https://www.gov.za/speeches/president-cyril-ramaphosa-extension-coronavirus-covid-19-lockdown-end-april-9-apr-2020-0000. Extension of Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown to the end of April.] Accessed on 16 April 2020</ref>
Fajj kat yi seen xam xam macc ci wallu feebar yi di walle neenañu mbass mi mungi fii ba tay wallante bi men na nekk ba tay. "Wante terelin yi nguur gi jel tax na ba wallante bi wañeku bu baaxa baax te loolu taxna ba ñu am jot bu baax pur jublu ci leneen".<ref>Professor S. Karim. [https://sacaronavirus.co.za/2020/04/13/sas-covid-19-epidemic-trends-next-steps/. South Africa's Covid-19 epidemic: Trends and next steps. Presentation by the Chairperson of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Covid-19 prepared for the Minister of Health , Dr. Zweli Mkhize]. Accessed on 15 April 2020.</ref> Moo tax nak dinanu jemma xol nuñuy yolomale terelin yi ñu tenkoon.
== Ci tenk ==
COVID-19 feebar la bo xamantani werr na adduna bi yepp gannaaw banu xame ni nit yi ko njekka am ci dekk bu tudd Wuhan ci reewum Chine ci jextal u atum ñaari juni at  ak fukk ak juroom ñint. Kangam u Chinois yi senn xam xam macc ci wallu wergu yaram xay ma nañu ñaari fanna yo xamantani men na tax ñu xeex jangoro bi rawatina wergu yaram u nit yi di nekk ci bereb yi di nit yi di dajee:( 1) Saytu ak fagaru ci mbass mi itam (2) amal ay gestu ci wallu xam xam ci wallu mbass mi.<ref>Wang Jian-Wei, Cao Bin and Wang Chen. [https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/2337/ Science in the fight against the novel coronavirus disease.] China Medical Journal: 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) collection. Accessed on 11 April 2020.</ref> Kangamu Chinois yi ci wallu wergu yaram def nañu liggeey bu yemm manna ba tax ñu xam xeetu Coronavirus bi ba taxna bankas bi ngank wallu wergu yaram ci aduna bi fexe na ba ñu jakarlo ak mbass mi am ci atum ñaari juni at ak ñaari fukk jem ci wallu xeex ko.
Wallu sorriwante bi diggante nit ak nit wane ni am na njariñ loolu ci li jem ci wallu xeex mbass mi com niko reewum Afrik du Sud defe.Kurel yi tenk wallu doxalinu mbass mi ak itam naka lañuy  fagaro neenañu am na solo torop ñuy degante ak sunuy am di jamm, sunuy xarit, sunuy njabot, sunuy waa ker ndaxte men na nek ci telephon nuy wootante wala appel video ndaxte ñaak gissante ak nit ki nga begg yombul loolu te li ko waral du lenn ludul sorriwante bi.<ref name=":0" /> Kangam yi di yengu ci wallu wergu yaram neenañu ñuy genna bayante xel ci jamono yi nga xamantani nit yi dañuy jaxaso loolu ndax ragal gannaaw ba mbass mi nekkee fepp ci aduna ndaxte nit ku nekk am na numuy dunde sunu tolo ci jamono yu mel ni ba taxna ku nekk war na di bayi xel moromom pur ñu menna jefflante ak jafejafe feebar u yumu menna juur.
== References ==