"Sun Probe" ko feccere e Thunderbirds, ko teleeji Angalteer ɗi Gerry e Sylvia Anderson mbaɗi, ɗi sosiyetee maɓɓe peewnoowo filmuuji biyeteeɗo AP Films (APF) filmi ngam ITC Entertainment. Winndi nde ko Alan Fennell, David Lane ardii nde, nde fuɗɗii yaltude ko ñalnde 9 desaambar 1965 e tele ATV Midlands, nde woni ko e yeewtere 11ɓiire e nder Series One. Ko ngol woni nayaɓol e nder doggol laawɗungol.[1]

Ko e kitaale 2060, yeewtere ndee rewi ko e golle International Rescue, fedde huutortoonde otooji hisnude karallaagal ngam hisnude nguurndam aadee. Ko ɓuri heewde e yimɓe ɓee ko gonnooɗo astronaut biyeteeɗo Jeff Tracy, sosɗo fedde wiyeteende International Rescue, e ɓiɓɓe mum njoyo mawɓe, ardiiɓe otooji mawɗi fedde ndee : masiŋaaji Thunderbird. E nder "Sun Probe", Thunderbirds 2 e 3 ina njuɓɓinee ngam hisnude yimɓe astronaut en ɓe laana mum en coktirgal e laawol gonngol e Naange.



To Cape Kennedy to Floride, Kolonel Benson ina toppitii udditgol Sun Probe, laana ndiwoowa njoorndi yimɓe tato, peewniraaka ngam ittude huunde e Naange. Sun Probe ina ummoo e jam, yahdu mum feewde Naange ina rewa tawa alaa ko waɗi.

Wakkati ɓaawo ɗon, nde Sun Probe ɓadake yahugo maako, International Rescue ɗon ɗon ndaara TV nder nder nder nder suudu nder Tracy Island. Brain ɗon walaa nder kuugal ngam o ɗon huutore dow ɓesngu maako, robot humanoid biyeteeɗo Braman. Nder duniyaaru, sunnauts Harris, Asher e Camp ɗon maɓɓina koonde ɓurɗe ɓiyugo nder koode naange nden ɗon maɓɓita ko'e kuuje. Ammaa, to wakkati doonde nden warti to dowlaaku mawɗo, radiation ɓeydi ɓeydi waɗugo doode Sun Probe'en reetro-rockets go'o'o'i, e ɓeydi ɗum dow laawol hawtaade bee naange.

Nder tele, Benson ɗon toro International Rescue ngam hisna yimɓe. Alan e Scott ɗon holla roketeji Sun Probe'en ngam huutugo bee radiyo diga Thunderbird 3. Virgil holli wonde Thunderbird 2 ɓuri semmbe e ɗum footi sendugo signal diga duniyaaru. Yimɓe nder wakkere nde'e njaɓii ɓe ɗon yiɗi ɓe ɗon ɗaɓɓita kuugal kisndam. Alan, Scott e Tin-Tin ɗon maɓɓina nder Thunderbird 3 amma radiyo maɓɓe ɗon ɓilla to Sun Probe, ɗon ɗaɓɓita ɓe ɓe ɓadii to Naange ɓurugo ɓe ɗon tammi.

Ngam ɓe ɗon anndina nokkuure ɓurnde nder lesdi ngam ɓe ɗon haɓɓugo nder Himalaya, Virgil e Brain ɗon fuɗɗita nder Thunderbird 2 ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon haɓɓoo Truck Transmitter. Nde ɓe ɗon ndilli dow Luttu Arkan, ɓe ɗon haɓɓii ɓandu laakere bee Sun Probe amma kuugal maɓɓe ɗon maaki haa haa haa toonde.

Ceyɗol ɓeydiinde haɓɓugo diga Thunderbird 3 footi. Nde yimɓe nder Sun Probe e Thunderbird 3 ɗon ɓeyda ɓeydaaki ngam ɓillaare, Alan holli tin-tin ɗon ɓeydi semmbe nden beam ɗon hawta, ɗon waɗi fijirde Sun Probe. Sun Probe ɗon taƴa laawol to duniyaaru amma bandiraaɓe Thunderbird 3 ɗon maayi ngam ɓe mbaawataa halki laabi, ɗon maaki baawɗe maago e ɗon haɗana maago maako daga huutugo.

Nde habaru habaru jooni ɗon haalanki Thunderbird 3 ɗon yahda to Naange, Jeff ɗon haalaa Virgil e Brain, ɓe ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon hoola haa Thunderbird 2 ngam ɓe limta frequency haani ngam huutugo Thunderbird 3's retros. Ɓe maɓɓiti sanduuje ngam jaɓɓugo ordinatiral International Rescue, ɓe ɗon ɓeyda ngam ɓe tawi ɓe ɗon haɓɓii Braman ngam daliila daliila. Ammaa Braman waawi limtude frequency bee hoore maako, nden Virgil e Brain heɓan heɓugo waɗugo reetros Thunderbird 3. Nder Tracy Island, bandiraaɓe boɗeeji caahuɓe ɓe yetti Brains e Braman ngam kuugal maɓɓe.

Ɗuumɓe ɓaleeɓe




"Sun Probe" wondi episode nayaɓu Thunderbirds to nder saɗtital. Haala nden waɗi Gerry Anderson ngam anndingo Thunderbird 3, ko ɗum waɗi nder nder nder nder ɗereeji ɗi ɗi ɗi ɗi fuɗɗiri habaru ɗi ɗi ɗi. "Sun Probe" marki habaru habaru haaluwol Matt Zimmerman (wol Alan Tracy) to seri.

"Sun Probe" waɗi e nder fim nder nder nder nder fim nder duuɓi 25 nder hitaande 1964, nden nder nder nder lewru janare 1965 "Sun Proba" ɓeydi haa duuɓi 50 nder nder hitaande 1965 ngam haani Lew Grade, jaɓɗo APF, mo o yiɗiri e nder fim e o umri ɓe ɓeyda nder nder nder filma Thunderbirds ngam ɓe keewi wakkati wakkati wakkati wakkati saa'i go'o. Anderson, Alan Pattillo e Tony Barwick ɓeydani Alan Fennell's asli taariika e adding subplot of Thunderbird 2's mission to Mount Arkan e turning plot hawti e footi Thunderbird 3's retro-rockets e virgil e brains 'discovering they've taken Braman with them. Ɗuum ɓesngu binndi boo hawti e fotooji dow brains e braman ɗon njuga jokkondiral dow Tracy Island e feere feere dow Harris, Asher e Camp ɗon ɗon ɗon ɗon haɓɓa ngam ɓoyugo dow Cape Kennedy.[1]

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Bentley2015