The Virgin ko deftere adannde nde winndiyanke Naajeeriya biyeteeɗo Bayo Adebowale winndi e hitaande 1985.[1] Deftere nde, yaltunde e hitaande 1985, ina haala caɗeele suka debbo wuro ngo, caggal nde o ɓuuɓnaa, o foti suɓaade hakkunde jommbaajo gorko tato, o mettini heen no feewi nde sirlu makko yiytaa e jamma dewgal makko.[2]Annduɗo Wendy Griswold renndini The Virgin bana "deftere wuro", deftere nde ɗon yewta dow aadaaji wuro Naajeeriya, bana no yoga e kuuɗe Chinua Achebe.[3]

The Virgin (novel)
literary work
YemreAfirik Taƴto
TitleThe virgin Taƴto
Form of creative worknovel Taƴto
AuthorBayo Adebowale Taƴto
Country of originNaajeeriya Taƴto
Language of work or nameInngilisjo Taƴto
Publication date1985 Taƴto
Page(s)116 Taƴto

Ngeesa Bojel jeyaaɗo e wuro Yoruba ina resi hunnde e wuro ngoɗngo. Nde o seerti e gorko garoowo e wuro ummoraade e nguurndam makko e nder wuro Naajeeriya, o woni ko e hulde jamma dewgal makko.


Ɓawo Adebowale ina hiisee wonde tergal "yonta tataɓo" winndooɓe Naajeeriya, ɓe golle mum en ɓuri heewde ko yowitii e tiitooɗe kosmopolitan ɓurɗe yontaaji binndooɓe Naajeeriya ɓennuɗi ɗii.[5] Kono, ko wayi no terɗe goɗɗe "yonta tataɓo", golle Adebowale ina njokki e nguurndam ladde e nder leydi Najeriya, haa teeŋti e nguurndam gure tokoose.[4]Debbo oo ko yeru gooto e ɗeen golle; Adebowale ɗon nuɗɗina dow winndooɓe e naalanko'en lesdi Naajeeriya ɗon mari haaje laarugo e miijaago dow ngeedam Naajeeriya.[5]


Adaptaasiyoŋ filmo Tunde Kelani winndi binndol ngol, o ardii filmo mo hojomaaji 95, tiitoonde mum ko Laawol juutngol, filmaa, yaltinaa ñalnde 12 lewru Mbooy 2006. Filma oo ko Sola Asedeko, Ayo Badmus e Khabirat Kafidipe ngoni heen, tawi ko Beautiful Nubia winndi, feewni filmo oo .



A girl from a Yoruba village is engaged to a hunter from another village. Having been seduced by a man returning to the village from his life in a Nigerian city, she nervously awaits her wedding night.



Adebowale is considered a member of the "third generation" of Nigerian authors, whose works generally deal with more cosmopolitan themes than earlier generations of Nigerian writers.<ref>

Film o ko Mumin Wale Kelani e Frank Efe Patrick njuɓɓini ɗum, ko Abiola Atanda waɗi ɗum



A girl from a Yoruba village is engaged to a hunter from another village. Having been seduced by a man returning to the village from his life in a Nigerian city, she nervously awaits her wedding night.



Adebowale is considered a member of the "third generation" of Nigerian authors, whose works generally deal with more cosmopolitan themes than earlier generations of Nigerian writers.<ref>

Ko heewi e kaaldigal e daartol ngol ƴettaa ko e deftere nde. Filmu oo ina hiisee wonde ko gooŋɗinɗo deftere ndee hay so tawii noon daartol ngol wonaa aada.</ref> However, unlike other members of the "third generation", Adebowale's work deals with rural life in Nigeria, particularly life in small villages.[8] The Virgin is an example of one such work; Adebowale believes that Nigerian writers and artists have a duty to examine and reflect on traditional Nigerian life.[8]

  1. Griswold, Wendy (19 June 2000). Bearing Witness: Readers, Writers, and the Novel in Nigeria. ISBN 0691058296. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  2. "Pragmatic Features of Nigerian English : A Case Study of Selected Poems of Bayo Adebowale" (PDF). Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  3. "When pages flip to inhabit screens - Weekly Trust". 28 June 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  4. Ehling, Holger G.; Mutius, Claus-Peter Holste-von (2001). No Condition Is Permanent: Nigerian Writing and the Struggle for Democracy - Holger Ehling, Claus-Peter Holste-von Mutius - Google Books. ISBN 9042014865. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  5. Ehling, Holger G.; Mutius, Claus-Peter Holste-von (2001). No Condition Is Permanent: Nigerian Writing and the Struggle for Democracy - Holger Ehling, Claus-Peter Holste-von Mutius - Google Books. ISBN 9042014865. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  6. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bearing2
  7. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bearing3
  8. 8.0 8.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bearing4