William Easterling
William Easterling ko porfeseer ganndal leydi e gonnooɗo gardiiɗo duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Penn State to bannge gannde leydi e minerale.O wonii hannde balloowo gardiiɗo Direkteer ganndal leydi (GEO) to Fooyre Ganndal Ngenndiire.
taƴtoBA Geography and History, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1976
M.A. Geography Economic, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1980
Doktaral. Geography-Climatology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1984
Jaŋde Jaŋde: Jaŋde Jaŋde Christchurch e Virginia
Jaɓɓorgo Kewuuji
taƴto- Fedde Amerik ngam Ɓamtaare Sayense
- Wilson Award, Honouring Excellence in Research, Aprili 2003, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.