Women infant hospital for Rhode

Ospitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe to leydi Rhode Island[1] ko opitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe to Providence, to leydi Rhode Island. Ko ɗum opitaal jannginoowo gadano e nder safaara jibinannde, rewɓe, e safaara sukaaɓe jibinaaɓe e duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Warren Alpert to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde Brown.[2] E hitaande 1996, opitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe wonnoo ko tergal sosngal (e wondude e opitaal Butler e opitaal Kent) e nder njuɓɓudi cellal Care New England.[3]

Tariya Opitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe sosaa ko e hitaande 1884, ko opitaal Providence Lying-In, ko opitaal jibinannde tan ɗo rewɓe mbaawi jibinde sukaaɓe e kisal.[citation needed]

Ospitaal oo fuɗɗinoo ko e nokku biyeteeɗo General James Estate to laawol Slocum to Providence, Rhode Island, kono ko duuɓi ɗiɗi caggal ɗuum o artiraa e ŋoral laabi State e Field caggal nde o mawni e mahngo makko adanngo. Nde artiraa kadi e hitaande 1926 to 50 Maude Street, nde woni ɗoon duuɓi 60. Women & Infants jokki e yaajde e ƴellitaade e nder duuɓi, nde jokkondiri e opitaal Rhode Island e darorɗe kitaale 1970. Ospitaal oo ummiima kadi e hitaande 1986 to nokku mum hannde oo to Dudley Street e nder leegal Upper South Providence ngam ɓeydude wallitde yaajde ɓanndu e ƴellitaare porogaraamuuji garooji.[2]

E hitaande 1996, opitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe hawri e opitaal Butler e opitaal Kent ngam sosde njuɓɓudi cellal Care New England.[3]

Golle jooni Ospitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe ko nokku ɓurɗo mawnude e nder leydi Rhode Island, woni ɗiɗaɓo e nder New England, sappoɓo e nder leyɗeele dentuɗe Amerik. Fotde 3 000 gollotoove ina heen 800 gollotoove e safaara ina njogii ko ina tolnoo e 30 000 njilluuji e nder suudu safrirdu, 23 000 njilluuji e nder safrirde, e 9 300 jibinannde e hitaande kala. Nursery Special Care, woni nokku gooto tan e nder diiwaan hee, ina safra 1 200 cukalel e nder hitaande. Yanti heen, ko ina ɓura 8 000 golle ina mbaɗee hitaande kala e nder porogaraam (programme) gonɗo e nder reedu e nder porogaraam (programme) gonɗo e nder nguurndam mum en fof.[citation needed]

Ospitaal oo ina rokka sarwisaaji e safrude ŋakkere jibinannde, toppitagol kosam, kanseer rewɓe, ŋakkere ƴiiƴam, e ƴeewndo ko adii jibineede e nder galle opitaal mawɗo oo e nder nokkuuji satelitaaji saraaji mum. Rewɓe & Sukaaɓe ina ndokka kadi porogaraamuuji jaŋde e golle safaara, ñamri, e ballal rewrude e nokkuuji toppitiiɗi cellal rewɓe e nokkuuji jokkondire e nder Fuɗnaange Greenwich, Woonsocket, Fuɗnaange Kingstown, Swansea, Massachusetts, e Fuɗnaange Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Gaa gaa wonde fedde adannde e nder safaara jibinannde, rewɓe, e safaara sukaaɓe jibinannde ngam Duɗal Cafrirɗe Brown, Women & Infants ina jokki e darnde mum e jaŋde safaara e wiɗtooji rewrude e jokkondiral e duɗe infirmiyee e karallaagal ceertuɗe.[2]

Ɓeydagol joy-etaasuuji maa rokku leɗɗe jibinannde ɓurɗe mawnude e NICU ɓurɗo mawnude, rokka cuuɗi gootol wonande kala galle, ina jogori timmineede e darorɗe hitaande 2009.Mark R. Marcantano woni hooreejo e mawɗo gollordu safrirde ndee.[citation needed]

Njeenaaje, anndinde e dokke Inniraa ko gooto e opitaaluuji 50 ɓurɗi mawnude e nder safaara rewɓe e nder jaaynde U.S. News & World Report e hitaande 2000, 2001 e 2004. Women & Infants e Duɗal jaaɓi-haaɗtirde Brown inniri ɗum ko nokku ɓurɗo waawde cellal rewɓe e hitaande 2003.[2] Dowlaaji 9 miliyoŋ dolaar to bannge wiɗtooji safaara (COBRE) to Duɗal ngenndiwal cellal to bannge biyoloji perinatal. Dokkal miliyoŋaaji ɗiɗi dolaar ummoraade e Duɗal ngenndiwal cellal sukaaɓe e ƴellitaare aadee ngam janngude maayde ɓiɗɗo. Ƴeew kadi Doggol opitaaluuji e nder leydi Rhode Tuugnorgal

"Care Angalteer keso". www.rewɓe e sukaaɓe.org.
Ospitaal rewɓe e sukaaɓe : Providence, to leydi Rhode
"Care Siistem Cellal Angalteer Keso - Rhode Island". www.leydiKareen.org.

Jokkondire yaajɗe